The Best Little Girl in the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steven Levenkron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Best Little Girl in the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steven Levenkron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many classes does Francesca say that she is taking every week, which makes someone else think she's going to become a professional?
(a) Seven.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Four.

2. Who does Hal immediately accuse of being late, though she is not late at all?
(a) Dr. Smith.
(b) Francesca.
(c) The receptionist.
(d) Grace.

3. What does Madame tell Francesca to stay in order to be a dancer?
(a) Slim.
(b) Modest.
(c) Quiet.
(d) Happy.

4. What role does Francesca remember playing when she used to play childhood games with her friends?
(a) Witch.
(b) Maid.
(c) Princess.
(d) Queen.

5. Hal says the Dr. Waldman doesn't treat an ear or a lung or a leg. He treats _________.
(a) People.
(b) Head disorders.
(c) Families.
(d) Children.

6. Francesca kept herself in control by ____________ carefully - everything was arranged ahead of time.
(a) Organizing.
(b) Eating.
(c) Exercising.
(d) Sleeping.

7. Where did the girls invite Francesca to go after the ballet class was over in the beginning of the story?
(a) Charlie's Soup Burg.
(b) McDonald's.
(c) Joe's Pizza Shack.
(d) Pizza Hut.

8. What does Francesca compare the self service elevator to when she is riding in it?
(a) Bathroom.
(b) School.
(c) Box.
(d) Cell.

9. What does Dr. Gordon decide to do in order to help Francesca get her appetite back?
(a) Give her medication.
(b) Tell her to stay home from school.
(c) Put her on a diet.
(d) Put her in the hospital.

10. What color of leotard does Madame wear when Francesca is looking at her in the mirror as she danced?
(a) Black.
(b) Brown.
(c) Pink.
(d) White.

11. What did Grace begin to think Francesca was doing up in her room when she wasn't studying and she wasn't dancing?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Smoking pot.
(c) Talking on the phone.
(d) Reading.

12. Who does Francesca discover has moved around the things in her room, which upsets her to see?
(a) Her sister.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her mother.
(d) The cleaning lady.

13. Francesca is thinking to herself as she is walking home, thinking to herself that __________ comes not from food, but from will.
(a) Success.
(b) Energy.
(c) Beauty.
(d) Power.

14. What had Francesca promised her parents she would do if she was coming home from a party alone?
(a) Take a cab.
(b) Call them for a ride.
(c) Walk.
(d) Nothing.

15. Who is called a turkey during a conversation between some girls as they walked to a party?
(a) John.
(b) Reid.
(c) Tom.
(d) Madame.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Francesca say that everyone is doing to her when she arrives at Sandy Sherman's office?

2. When Francesca began to notice there was more hair growing on her body, her response was that her body was ____________.

3. What band was playing at a high volume at the party when Francesca arrived with the other girls?

4. What made Sandy Sherman a bit of an outsider when it came to the medical community?

5. What does Dr. Smith reveal to Francesca's dad when he calls to check on her progress in the therapy?

(see the answer keys)

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