The Best Little Girl in the World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Steven Levenkron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Best Little Girl in the World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Steven Levenkron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 4 through 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Grace tells Dr. Gordon that Francesca has always been the _________ child, the good one in the family.
(a) Quiet.
(b) Sensible.
(c) Wild.
(d) Bright.

2. What does Dr. Gordon decide to do in order to help Francesca get her appetite back?
(a) Put her in the hospital.
(b) Give her medication.
(c) Put her on a diet.
(d) Tell her to stay home from school.

3. What time does Hal end up setting the first appointment with the doctor for?
(a) Thursday at 1:00pm.
(b) Friday at 1:00pm.
(c) Thursday at 9:00am.
(d) Friday at 9:00am.

4. Where does Madame ask to speak with Francesca the week after she loses a few pounds?
(a) Health food store.
(b) A bank.
(c) The street.
(d) A pretzel vendor.

5. While the girls are at the barre, the girls point and ___________ as Madame keeps time for the dancers.
(a) Laugh.
(b) Jump.
(c) Scream.
(d) Arch.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what holiday did Madame end up kicking other dancers out of the class, frightening Francesca?

2. What band was playing at a high volume at the party when Francesca arrived with the other girls?

3. What is the main meal at dinner when Francesca and her parents sit down together after ballet?

4. The only thing that Francesca's mother seems to dislike about Gregg's letters is what?

5. What was the emotion that Grace never had, leaving that emotion to her husband to show?

(see the answer key)

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