The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Barbara Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Barbara Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Imogene tells Albert that she has seen the nurse's note about him, how does she say he will be spending the following summer?
(a) Spending the summer at aikido camp.
(b) Spending the summer making up work in summer school.
(c) Spending the summer at fat camp.
(d) Spending the summer in physical therapy for scoliosis.

2. What does the narrator say about the Herdmans' attendance at the pageant rehearsals?
(a) They were always there and on time, but never on task.
(b) They were always there, on time, and on task.
(c) They only missed one rehearsal.
(d) They were always there, but always late.

3. The narrator is in the same grade as which of the Herdman siblings?
(a) Imogene.
(b) Ollie.
(c) Claude.
(d) Gladys.

4. The narrator states that "the Herdmans started out mean, right from" (59) what?
(a) The cradle.
(b) Their first screams.
(c) The stroller.
(d) Their first breaths.

5. What happens to the usual coordinator of the pageant that then requires a new coordinator?
(a) She burns her hand.
(b) She breaks her leg.
(c) She breaks her arm.
(d) She cuts her hand.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is NOT listed among the activities performed by the Sunday School children when they attend church services?

2. The neighbors around the toolhouse had been worried that it would attract what types of animals, prior to burning to the ground at the hands of the Herdman siblings?

3. What does the narrator say is "the only unexpected thing that every happened to" (17) the pageant?

4. The Herdman family lives over what type of structure?

5. When the narrator wonders what she and the other angel choir members should do if something goes awry with the Herdmans' pageant portrayals, she decides it would "be dumb" (70) to take what action?

(see the answer key)

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