The Belly of Paris Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Belly of Paris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does La Belle Lisa decide to do regarding Florent?
(a) Fix him up with a friend of hers.
(b) Watch him just a little while longer.
(c) Make him pay rent.
(d) Hire him in the charcuterie.

2. How many children did Mere Chantemesse have?
(a) Two.
(b) Five.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

3. Why is La Belle Lisa resentful of Florent's presence in her house?
(a) He leaves dirty clothes lying around.
(b) He is employed and should make his own life.
(c) He never takes a bath.
(d) He never cleans up the kitchen after cooking.

4. Who does La Belle Lisa talk with about Florent?
(a) Father Roustan.
(b) La Belle Normande.
(c) Quenu.
(d) Monsieur Lecoeur.

5. How does THE BELLY OF PARIS come full circle?
(a) La Belle Lisa divorces Quenu.
(b) Florent is sent back to Devil's Island.
(c) Madame Francois sells her vegetables again.
(d) Monsieur Gavard opens a charcuterie.

6. Where does Mademoiselle Saget share her gossip with Madame Lecoeur and La Sarriette?
(a) The church steps.
(b) A cafe.
(c) The cheese cellar.
(d) An alley.

7. Why is the person in #134 so happy with herself/himself?
(a) She has discovered Florent's secret.
(b) She bought new drapes.
(c) She has a new lover.
(d) She has lost weight.

8. Florent tends to live in a world of ______________.
(a) illusion.
(b) hope.
(c) depravity.
(d) grief.

9. How does Pauline get so dirty while away from the shop?
(a) Rolling down park hills.
(b) Digging in the dirt.
(c) Playing in the street.
(d) Playing in a sandbox.

10. Who appoints himself Florent's lieutenant?
(a) Logre.
(b) Quenu.
(c) Marjolin.
(d) Legrand.

11. What does Florent notice about the women at the fish market?
(a) They are all wearing red.
(b) They are not buying much today.
(c) They are buying the biggest fish today.
(d) They won't make eye contact with him.

12. What is Marjolin an expert at?
(a) Designing homes.
(b) Seducing women.
(c) Slaughtering pigeons.
(d) Painting portraits.

13. Who is Mere Chantemesse?
(a) A widow who adopts the orphans.
(b) A French actress.
(c) An opera singer.
(d) A famous fashion model.

14. Why does La Belle Lisa snoop in Florent's room?
(a) To find hidden money.
(b) To find dirty dishes.
(c) To find evidence of political involvement.
(d) To find love letters.

15. What does La Belle Lisa want to do with Florent?
(a) Help him get his law degree.
(b) Rent an artist studio for him.
(c) Turn him in to the authorities.
(d) Kick him out of the house.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom does La Belle Normande think she may be in love?

2. Who tries to force himself on La Belle Lisa?

3. Why does La Belle Lisa think that Florent is up to no good?

4. Why does La Belle Lisa sneak into Florent's room?

5. Who does La Belle Normande marry?

(see the answer keys)

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