The Bedroom Philosophers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bedroom Philosophers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the first character to begin kissing and caressing Eugenie?
(a) Dolmance.
(b) Augustin.
(c) Chevalier.
(d) Madame de Saint-Ange.

2. Where does Chevalier exit to at the end of the First Dialogue?
(a) The dinette.
(b) The drawing room.
(c) The garden.
(d) The boudoir.

3. To what does Dolmance liken sodomy in this section?
(a) A spiritual act.
(b) A business transaction.
(c) A personal hygiene process.
(d) A medical procedure.

4. What corporal punishment does Dolmance administer to Eugenie early in the Third Dialogue?
(a) Tying down.
(b) Dripping hot wax.
(c) Spanking.
(d) Whipping.

5. To what iconic literary figure does Chevalier compare himself and his sister in the First Dialogue?
(a) Hamlet.
(b) Don Quixote.
(c) Aneas.
(d) Oedipus Rex.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the beginning of this section, Dolmance recommends Eugenie get what?

2. What promise do Madame de Saint-Ange and Dolmance make Eugenie at the beginning of this section?

3. In this section, what does Dolmance declare is the most important mission a young girl can undertake?

4. What letter does Chevalier use to denote the friend who introduced her to Dolmance?

5. Who does Eugenie admit she wants to kill at the beginning of this section?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Dolmance's attitudes toward the poor.

2. Describe Dolmance's defense of incest.

3. What standing wager does Madame de Saint-Ange have?

4. What is the value of blasphemy to the libertine?

5. Describe Madame de Saint-Ange's husband.

6. What is the relationship between Madame de Saint-Ange and the Chevalier?

7. According to Sade in To the Philosphers, what is the key to happiness?

8. How is Madame de Saint-Ange acquainted with Eugenie?

9. Describe the argument that Dolmance and Chevalier have in the Fourth Dialogue?

10. How is the the sexual passage of this section typical of the writing of The Bedroom Philosophers?

(see the answer keys)

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