The Bedroom Philosophers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bedroom Philosophers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which libertine is not in the boudoir at the beginning of the Sixth Dialogue?
(a) Dolmance.
(b) Madame de Saint-Ange.
(c) Chevalier.
(d) Eugenie.

2. What does the author of Frenchmen, Some More Effort if You Wish to Become Republicans suggest the state religion be based upon?
(a) The Olympian gods.
(b) The Torah.
(c) The Kama Sutra.
(d) De Sade's writings.

3. Why does the author disapprove of the death penalty?
(a) It is too painless.
(b) It is immoral.
(c) It is redundant.
(d) It is cumbersome.

4. According to the author of the pamphlet, what is the main requirement of the Christian God?
(a) Charity.
(b) Fear.
(c) Obedience.
(d) Faith.

5. What does Dolmance do to Eugenie as Chevalier sodomizes her in this section?
(a) Caresses her breasts.
(b) Whips her.
(c) Smothers her.
(d) Kisses her.

6. Who assists Dolmance in stitching up Madame de Mistival's vagina and anal sphincter in the Final Dialogue?
(a) Chevalier.
(b) Lapierre.
(c) Euguenie.
(d) Augustin.

7. According to Dolmance at the beginning of the Fifth Dialogue. what is the best way that woman can serve nature?
(a) Murdering peasants.
(b) Renouncing religion.
(c) Prostituting herself.
(d) Foregoing food.

8. What does Eugenie demand at the end of this section?
(a) She wants to be sodomized.
(b) She wants to taste semen.
(c) She wants to see Dolmance's anus.
(d) She want a crepe.

9. According to Dolmance in this section, why are all kings tyrants?
(a) They do not acknowledge weakness.
(b) They were designated by God.
(c) They are inbred.
(d) They fear they will lose their place in society.

10. How does Augustin's penis compare to the others in the boudoir?
(a) It is larger than Dolmance's, but not Chevalier's.
(b) It is the largest.
(c) It is the smallest.
(d) It is the same size as Dolmance's.

11. In this section of the Fifth Dialogue, what specifically does Dolmance say is a false construct?
(a) Love.
(b) Disease.
(c) Pleasure.
(d) Vice.

12. Which of the following is not a duty that the author of Frenchmen, Some More Effort if You Wish to Become Republicans discusses?
(a) Duty to Nation.
(b) Duty to Self.
(c) Duty to Fellow Man.
(d) Duty to God.

13. Who has read the pamphlet thus far in the Fifth Dialogue?
(a) Dolmance.
(b) Chevalier.
(c) Madame de Saint-Ange.
(d) Euguenie

14. Which of the following is not a way Romans and Greeks honored their gods, according to the pamphleteer?
(a) Deviousness.
(b) Copulation.
(c) Actos of valor.
(d) Celibacy.

15. How far does Augustin ejaculate in this section of the Fifth Dialogue?
(a) 6 yards.
(b) 2 feet.
(c) 10 feet.
(d) A few inches.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who briefly protests the abuse of Madame de Mistival in the Final Dialogue?

2. What does Madame offer Dolmance in this section, that he refuses?

3. How does Dolmance physically stimulate Augustin at the beginning of the Fifth Dialogue?

4. Which character does Dolmance send to escort Madame de Mistival home at the end of the Final Dialogue?

5. At the end of this section, Dolmance produces what object?

(see the answer keys)

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