The Beatryce Prophecy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Beatryce Prophecy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is the name of one of Beatryce’s brothers?
(a) Douglas.
(b) Quercus.
(c) Rowan.
(d) Ash.

2. Chapter Eight begins with which of the following?
(a) “She tried not to think about what she could not remember.”
(b) “What she saw when she awoke was sunlight streaming through one small window that was up very high.”
(c) “Brother Edik’s problems were compounded.”
(d) “He illuminated the letter B.”

3. With which of the following does Edik note Answelica marked him?
(a) Her eye.
(b) Her horn.
(c) Her hoof.
(d) Her tooth.

4. Chapter Nineteen begins with which of the following?
(a) “Jack Dory sat under the eaves of Granny Bibspeak’s hut.”
(b) “Beatryce held herself straighter.”
(c) “But she was afraid.”
(d) “You will go with Jack Dory.”

5. Book the Second ends with which of the following?
(a) “I will go and ask your mother a few questions, too.”
(b) “How could anyone bear it?”
(c) “Jack Dory belonged to no one.”
(d) “The request that Jack Dory brought to the monastery was deemed by all the monks.”

6. Which of the following is illustrated in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) A seahorse.
(b) A travel bag.
(c) A mermaid.
(d) Jack with a sword.

7. In Chapter Ten, which of the following does Edik draw?
(a) A flower.
(b) A berry.
(c) A branch.
(d) A vine.

8. Which phrase does Edik use to report a prophecy to Caddis?
(a) “I was given these words, and I give them to you.”
(b) “I saw something you should know about.”
(c) “These words were delivered to me as I worked.”
(d) “These words are truth. Take them.”

9. From which town had Jack and his family been fleeing?
(a) Throttletown.
(b) Scunthorpe.
(c) Highflint.
(d) Kerrville.

10. With which of the following does the novel’s epigraph end?
(a) “The prophecy has long been ignored.”
(b) “One day where will come a child.”
(c) “This child will be a girl.”
(d) “It is written in the Chronicles of Sorrowing.”

11. Which of the following illustrations precedes Book the First?
(a) A shorn-headed girl.
(b) A goat headbutting a monk.
(c) A mermaid hairbrush.
(d) A goat curled up with a girl.

12. What are Edik’s first words to Jack?
(a) “Welcome!”
(b) “Are you lost?”
(c) “Who are you?”
(d) “Hello.”

13. What are the first words Jack says to Bibspeak?
(a) “That is exactly right.”
(b) “Should we interfere with fate?”
(c) “I am Jack Dory!”
(d) “What if you are?”

14. With what does the soldier lying abed in Jack’s village begin his testimony?
(a) “I have killed.”
(b) “Under this bed is the sword.”
(c) “How many have I killed?”
(d) “I regret the children.”

15. The word “antipathies” is most similar in meaning to which of the following?
(a) Intense like.
(b) Intense dislike.
(c) Mild dislike.
(d) Mild like.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Chapter Twelve, a prophecy is noted that a girl child will come and do which of the following?

2. Which of the following shapes of candy does Beatryce request in Chapter Eleven?

3. Which phase does Caddis use to acknowledge Edik’s prophecies?

4. In Chapter Fifteen, the word “malodorous” most nearly means which of the following?

5. In Chapter Seven, what does Beatryce remember?

(see the answer keys)

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