The Bear Came Over the Mountain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bear Came Over the Mountain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What card game does Aubrey play with the other residents while Fiona sits nearby?
(a) Pinochle.
(b) Poker.
(c) Gin.
(d) Bridge.

2. What method does Grant use to discover the address of Aubrey's wife?
(a) The phone book.
(b) He asks Grant.
(c) He calls information.
(d) He asks Kristy.

3. What objects are said to be rare within the confines of Meadowlake?
(a) Photographs.
(b) Mirrors.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Wheelchairs.

4. When the narrator describes the families who visit residents of Meadowlake, which people are said to be "without apprehension" (297)?
(a) The husbands.
(b) The wives.
(c) The teenagers.
(d) The youngest children.

5. Kristy tells Grant one day that which part of Fiona had been "deteriorating" (309) since Aubrey's departure?
(a) Her muscles.
(b) Her aura.
(c) Her will.
(d) Her life force.

Short Answer Questions

1. What activity does Grant often do with Fiona in the reading room once she refuses to go anywhere else?

2. During the time of Grant's most active time as a philanderer, what situation was Fiona dealing with?

3. What verb does Grant use when he asks Fiona why the staff had shortened her hair?

4. What two types of literature has Grant always taught as a university professor?

5. During Aubrey's working years, he was a representative for a company that sold products to what kind of professionals?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Aubrey's malady different than Fiona's malady?

2. What two details does Grant notice about Marian when he first walks in the door of her home?

3. What event causes Grant to realize that Aubrey must be checking out of Meadowlake?

4. What holds Grant back from asking "the most obvious" and "most necessary" (293) question?

5. Describe the favor Fiona asks of Grant and why this is such a poignant moment in the narrative.

6. Why is Marian unwilling to place Aubrey into Meadowlake on a full-time basis?

7. What kind of work had Aubrey done before he stopped working and what method is used to deliver this information to the reader?

8. What question does Grant decide there is little point of asking Fiona once her condition degrades after Aubrey's departure from Meadowlake?

9. How does Munro go about demonstrating Kristy's uniqueness among her colleagues?

10. Discuss an instance when Munro utilizes white space in order to magnify the emotional messages in a certain passage.

(see the answer keys)

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