The Bear Came Over the Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bear Came Over the Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What two adjectives are used to describe the kindness with which Fiona treats Grant during his visits?
(a) Cordial and hollow.
(b) Purposeful and practiced.
(c) Distracted and social.
(d) Boisterous and casual.

2. What room in Meadowlake is directly opposite the conservatory on the other side of the building?
(a) The card room.
(b) The day clinic.
(c) The medication room.
(d) The television room.

3. On what street does Aubrey's wife live?
(a) Elm Lane.
(b) Kulshan Lane.
(c) Sharks Lane.
(d) Black Hawks Lane.

4. Grant tells Kristy that he wonders sometimes if Fiona is taking what action?
(a) Putting on a charade.
(b) Wanting to be taken home.
(c) Crying out for help.
(d) Surrendering.

5. Aubrey's wife tells Grant that in order to move Aubrey to Meadowlake full-time, she would have to sell what?
(a) Her house.
(b) Her car.
(c) Her wedding ring.
(d) Her salon.

6. In what Canadian city do Aubrey and his wife's son live with his own wife and children?
(a) Langley.
(b) Chilliwack.
(c) Toronto.
(d) Kamloops.

7. Kristy says aloud that she wishes that Aubrey's wife would "hurry up" and "get him out of here" and cut what short?
(a) The play.
(b) The drama.
(c) The agony.
(d) The narrative.

8. Grant's first illicit affair had been with a woman named what?
(a) Kay.
(b) Michaela.
(c) Jacqui.
(d) Marian.

9. What are the only two things Fiona does each morning once Aubrey has departed from Meadowlake?
(a) Walks and eats.
(b) Cries and brushes her teeth.
(c) Gets up and gets dressed.
(d) Cleans her room and eats.

10. What expression appears on Fiona's and Aubrey's faces when they turn around to see Grant standing in Fiona's room?
(a) Shame.
(b) Relief.
(c) Glee.
(d) Anger.

11. During Aubrey's working years, he was a representative for a company that sold products to what kind of professionals?
(a) Electricians.
(b) Teachers.
(c) Librarians.
(d) Farmers.

12. While Aubrey will watch any sport on television, which one is his favorite?
(a) Tennis.
(b) Baseball.
(c) Football.
(d) Golf.

13. What is Kristy's reply when Grant asks her what malady is keeping Fiona in bed in the daytime?
(a) She says that Fiona had been having trouble breathing.
(b) She says that Fiona had wanted to watch an old movie on television.
(c) She says that Fiona had fallen.
(d) She says nothing is really the matter.

14. Which member of the Meadowlake staff calls Grant in to talk about Fiona?
(a) The administrative assistant.
(b) The vice president.
(c) Kristy.
(d) The supervisor.

15. What verb does Grant use when he asks Fiona why the staff had shortened her hair?
(a) Chop.
(b) Cut.
(c) Shave.
(d) Shear.

Short Answer Questions

1. What suggestion is Grant shocked to hear himself making when Aubrey's wife seems hesitant to grant his request?

2. What is eventually revealed to be the first name of Aubrey's wife?

3. When the narrator describes the families who visit residents of Meadowlake, which people are said to be "in charge" (297)?

4. What feature stops Grant from investigating the ward on the second floor when he reaches the top of the stairs?

5. What activity were Aubrey and his wife performing when Aubrey came down with the high fever that led to a coma?

(see the answer keys)

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