The Bear Came Over the Mountain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bear Came Over the Mountain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Among Grant's many paramours over the years are women he calls "loose" (287) what?
(a) Wives.
(b) Girls.
(c) Vixens.
(d) Women.

2. What color had Fiona's hair been before it had turned white?
(a) Red.
(b) Black.
(c) Blond.
(d) Brown.

3. What word had been scrawled across his office door at the same time Grant received the letter?
(a) Philanderer.
(b) Rat.
(c) Fink.
(d) Louse.

4. Grant thinks about his colleague as being one of the first to have cast aside what object?
(a) His necktie.
(b) His dignity.
(c) His wedding ring.
(d) His Bible.

5. With how many other people does Fiona share a room at Meadowlake?
(a) 1.
(b) 0.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

6. Fiona tells Grant that she needs to return to Aubrey's side for what reason?
(a) Aubrey thinks he cannot play if she is not sitting next to him.
(b) Aubrey gets violent if Fiona is not by his side.
(c) Aubrey will begin to cry if Fiona is away from his side for very long.
(d) Aubrey cannot see very well.

7. On page 284, Grant has a dream in which he shows what object to a colleague and friend?
(a) A butterfly.
(b) A rubber stamp.
(c) A letter.
(d) A sports car.

8. At the time of the narrative's events, Grant is writing a study about myths containing which types of animals?
(a) Lions.
(b) Rabbits.
(c) Bears.
(d) Wolves.

9. Fiona retires from her position as a coordinator of volunteers at what type of establishment?
(a) A hospital.
(b) A homeless shelter.
(c) A school.
(d) A library.

10. What kind of beverage does Fiona offer to Grant when he visits her for the first time at Meadowlake?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Tea.
(c) Lemonade.
(d) Milk.

11. What advice does Kristy offer to Grant at the end of his first visit to see Fiona at Meadowlake?
(a) Keep calm and love on.
(b) Take it day by day.
(c) Visit only once per week.
(d) Bring photographs to visits.

12. How many minutes does it take Grant to drive to Meadowlake every time he visits?
(a) 90.
(b) 20.
(c) 40.
(d) 10.

13. Of what scent does the newer Meadowlark building into which Fiona moves smell?
(a) Pine.
(b) Lemon.
(c) Ammonia.
(d) Urine.

14. How old is Fiona at the time she goes to live at Meadowlake?
(a) 81.
(b) 63.
(c) 78.
(d) 70.

15. A supervisor at Meadowlake tells Grant that the patients on which floor have separate rules than the patients on Fiona's floor?
(a) The second.
(b) The fourth.
(c) The first.
(d) The third.

Short Answer Questions

1. Fiona's mother's political activities are named as the reason why Fiona is not a member of what type of organization?

2. What kind of passion does Grant congratulate himself for showing toward his young lovers even when it does not match the way he actually feels?

3. What objects does Fiona name as a means of "always taking you somewhere" (277)?

4. Fiona and Grant had especially enjoyed watching programs about what topic during their time together?

5. What color are the notes that Grant begins to find all over the house?

(see the answer keys)

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