The Baron in the Trees Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Baron in the Trees Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Count say he's going to do with Cosimo's story?
(a) get the army out to pull him down
(b) tell his story at court
(c) give it to the newspapers
(d) get a judge to rule against him

2. What does Cosimo do when Gian de Brughi is captured?
(a) testifies against him
(b) rescues him
(c) claims to have done it himself
(d) send him flowers

3. What kind of dog does Cosimo befriend?
(a) a poodle
(b) a retriever
(c) a Komodor
(d) a dachshund

4. What is Cosimo first to discover about the trees?
(a) they are much older than people thought
(b) the possible mobility trees provide
(c) they are more species than known
(d) they are not healthy

5. Why to thieves drag Gian de Brughi from his hiding place?
(a) to make him commit a robery
(b) for the reward money
(c) so he can help them
(d) so he will be blamed for their crimes

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cosimo's mother decide about him staying in the trees?

2. What group of individuals hears about the Abbe's conversations with Cosimo?

3. Who does Viola blame for being shut up in her bedroom?

4. What is Cosimo's reply about running with the boy gang?

5. How far does Cosimo discover the trees go?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Cosimo do when he sees the pirates unloading the boats and what happens as a result of his actions?

2. How does Cosimo's mother and father try to get him to come down from the trees and what does Biagio do?

3. Describe the discussion about trees that takes place at the beginning of chapter ten.

4. What does Cosimo tell Viola about a decision and what happens when he tells her?

5. Why does Cosimo begin writing to authors of books he likes?

6. Why does the Cavlier slip off the Baron's land occasionally and how does Cosimo help him?

7. Why does Cosimo talk with the Abbe so much and what happens as the result?

8. What do Cosimo's parents want to know about the men Cosimo enlisted for his project?

9. What is Cosimo's thoughts concerning the people living below him?

10. Why is Cosimo curious about Gian de Brughi?

(see the answer keys)

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