The Baron in the Trees Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Baron in the Trees Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Cosimo and Ursula end up doing?
(a) getting married
(b) kissing
(c) leaving
(d) falling from the trees

2. How do the townspeople feel about Cosimo and Viola's relationship?
(a) it's too public
(b) it will never last
(c) it's weird
(d) it's an ideal match

3. What does Cosimo contribute to the secret ceremonies?
(a) one honoring trees
(b) one to honor the rain
(c) nothing
(d) one to enrich farmers

4. For what reason does Cosimo protect the townspeople?
(a) for a fee
(b) compassion
(c) to maintain his image
(d) to fight the French

5. What do the townspeople begin to do to help Cosimo?
(a) look for another woman for him
(b) write him poetry
(c) listen to him rant
(d) bring him good food

6. What do the Austrians say about the woods?
(a) the woods are full of Jacobins
(b) they are beautiful
(c) they are good cover for troops
(d) they are evil

7. Why does Cosimo finally have to pay attention to life again?
(a) his dog comes back
(b) the trees need pruning
(c) his brother is ill
(d) a pack of woves enter town

8. What does Viola do when she thinks she's not important enough to Cosimo?
(a) cries
(b) slaps him
(c) withdraws her affection
(d) won't let him speak to her

9. What do Cosimo and Prince Andrej find they have in common?
(a) liking to live in trees
(b) not having a girlfriend
(c) a great, great uncle on his father's side
(d) ideals by which they live

10. What does Cosimo do with the French soldiers?
(a) burns their gear
(b) gives them fleas
(c) has birds drop on them
(d) joins their camp

11. What happens to Cosimo when Viola leaves?
(a) nothing happens
(b) he takes leave of his senses
(c) he comes down from the trees
(d) he begins to act like a Baron

12. How does the Austrian soldiers appear to Cosimo?
(a) well disciplined but with no woods knowledge
(b) kill happy
(c) organized and efficient
(d) clumsy

13. How do the Spaniards appear to Cosimo?
(a) finely dressed, somber, and civilized
(b) disheartened
(c) rough and uneducated
(d) dirty and poor

14. Why are the Spaniards in the trees?
(a) they are waiting for their homes to be built
(b) they are exiles
(c) they have no homes
(d) they heard of Cosimo and want to try his life

15. How has Viola being in the trees changed the atmosphere in the trees?
(a) it hasn't changed
(b) Viola has torn down the tent
(c) Cosimo spends less with the trees
(d) Cosimo has made it more gracious

Short Answer Questions

1. What gives Cosimo hope that he can find a lover?

2. What does Cosimo do to the Austrian soldiers?

3. What does Cosimo challenge the Father to do?

4. Where is Cosimo spending much of winter?

5. What do the townspeople call Cosimo?

(see the answer keys)

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