The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Final Test - Medium

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Final Test - Medium

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Katie say she does not have a tattoo?
(a) It's the mark of the beast.
(b) It's too much like Big Brother.
(c) It means she cannot move to New Zealand when she's saved enough money.
(d) Because of her family's medical history.

2. Who arrives when Kayla is talking to Zekeal?
(a) Nedra.
(b) August.
(c) Amber.
(d) No one.

3. What happens after Kayla becomes conscious after the car wreck?
(a) She realizes that both Tova and Mava are dead.
(b) She realizes Tova is dead and Mava badly injured.
(c) She talks to Tova about what they should do.
(d) She realizes her arm is broken.

4. What is the reason for Kayla's actions when comes upon a stream?
(a) She wants to get the blood off her so dogs can't smell her.
(b) She remembers seeing a documentary on doing it
(c) She has no idea.
(d) She needs to cool down.

5. While in the diner, what does Kayla consider doing?
(a) Killing herself.
(b) Calling Zekeal.
(c) Turning herself in to the authorities.
(d) Calling her grandfather.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mfumbe try to steal that gets him caught?

2. Where are Kayla and Mfumbe after three weeks of traveling?

3. What does Kayla see on the table inside the cabin?

4. Where does Mfumbe plan to take Kayla?

5. Where does Mfumbe live?

Short Essay Questions

1. What vision does Kayla have one morning?

2. What does Mava urge Kayla to do after the car accident? Why is Kayla conflicted about this?

3. What does Zekeal say Kayla should do?

4. What does Kayla plan to do with the e-card she finds, and how does she feel about her plan?

5. What does Kayla dream while sleeping in the woods?

6. Who finds Kayla? What does this person tell Kayla?

7. What did Mava's and Tova's daughter warn them about? Why did the daughter treat her mother at home instead of in the hospital?

8. How does Kayla connect with Mfumbe again?

9. What does Nedra say about Mfume in a letter to the editor?

10. What does Katie tell Kayla concerning the bar code?

(see the answer keys)

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