The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Amber done concerning Kayla?
(a) Told Kayla they can no longer be friends.
(b) Applied for a bar code tattoo for Kayla.
(c) Told the authorities Kayla is avoiding applying for a bar code.
(d) Told Kayla's parents that Kayla plans to run away.

2. In what year does Kayla's father die?
(a) 2015.
(b) 2025.
(c) 2045.
(d) 2054.

3. How does Zekeal explain his choice of reading material to Kayla?
(a) He does not believe in violence.
(b) He wants to understand the opposition.
(c) He got it for Kayla.
(d) He thinks they should start destroying the bar code records.

4. In Chapter 5, what is special about a particular morning when Kayla wakes up?
(a) It is when Kayla is supposed to hear from the art institute.
(b) It is the day her father is supposed to get a promotion.
(c) It is the end of the school year.
(d) It is Kayla's seventeenth birthday.

5. Why does Kayla take the job there?
(a) Environmental issues are really important to her.
(b) She loves the products they sell.
(c) It is the only place that will hire her without a tattoo.
(d) She will get a discount.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kayla decide to do for the rest of the day?

2. What do Young's opponents say about those who are opposed to bar code tattoos?

3. Why does David Young resign from his political position?

4. What does Kayla's counselor say is a matter of convenience?

5. Who works at the place where Amber and Kayla agree to meet?

Short Essay Questions

1. What petition does Mfumbe ask Kayla and Amber to sign?

2. What does Kayla agree to do on her seventeenth birthday?

3. What makes Kayla decide not to get the tattoo?

4. What are Amber's parents fighting about when Kayla arrives at their house?

5. Kayla's mother finds Joseph Reed's file. What does the file say about his genetic code?

6. According to Ashley, what is the hospital doing?

7. What does Gene tell Kayla about his work?

8. What does Kayla ask the guidance counselor concerning his tattoo? What is his reply?

9. What does Kayla do after leaving the guidance counselor's office? Who shows concern for her?

10. What does Kayla learn Amber has done on the morning of Kayla's seventeenth birthday?

(see the answer keys)

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