The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Final Test - Easy

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Final Test - Easy

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who arrives when Kayla is talking to Zekeal?
(a) Amber.
(b) August.
(c) No one.
(d) Nedra.

2. What happens when Kayla is fired upon?
(a) Kayla is hit but can still run.
(b) Mava screams and falls to the ground.
(c) Mava pushes the gun out of the cop's hand.
(d) The cops all miss her.

3. How does Mfumbe earn enough to feed himself?
(a) He grows his own food.
(b) He barters with others.
(c) He works at the local gathering place.
(d) He works a farmer's field.

4. Whom does Kayla find in a group of people?
(a) Amber.
(b) Her older brother.
(c) August.
(d) Mfumbe.

5. What position does Nedra hold with the Tattoo Gen?
(a) President.
(b) National spokesperson.
(c) None.
(d) Investigator.

6. What happens when Kayla has coffee spilled on her hand?
(a) The waitress recognizes her.
(b) She is badly burned.
(c) Someone remarks about the lack of a tattoo.
(d) The fake tattoo runs.

7. Why is Kayla hesitant about taking Mava's suggestion?
(a) Kayla does not want to desert Tova and Mava.
(b) Kayla is in a lot of pain.
(c) Kayla is afraid of bringing the police down on Tova and Mava's daughter.
(d) Kayla does not know if she cares anymore.

8. How does August remove his tattoo?
(a) Cutting off his hand.
(b) Acid.
(c) Burning his hand in a campfire.
(d) Laser surgery.

9. What do Mfumbe's parents write to Kayla?
(a) Mfumbe is in jail.
(b) Mfumbe is living on his own now.
(c) Mfumbe is dead.
(d) Mfumbe is missing.

10. How does Mfumbe enter the kitchen?
(a) The crawl space under the cabin.
(b) The ceiling crawl space.
(c) A hatch in the floor.
(d) The attic ladder.

11. What does Kayla suddenly realize?
(a) Maybe she should not have used the computer.
(b) Maybe Nedra was being forced to make up the story about Kayla.
(c) Maybe Zekeal was the one who made Nedra talk on television.
(d) Maybe they were lying about her mother being dead.

12. How does Kayla escape the attention of a police officer in the diner's parking lot?
(a) She crawls under a car.
(b) She crawls under the building.
(c) She gets in someone's car and hides in the back seat.
(d) She hides in the dark doorway of a deserted shop next door.

13. Why does the other patient in Kayla's hospital room fall to the floor?
(a) The woman trips over a cart a nurse left in the room.
(b) She does not fall; she is pushed to the floor.
(c) The woman stands up too fast.
(d) The woman begins having convulsions.

14. What does Mava invite Kayla to do?
(a) Go with them to Canada.
(b) Help herself to some of their daughter's clothes.
(c) Continue to live in her daughter's apartment.
(d) Use her cell phone to call Amber.

15. How old is Kayla in a dream she has after leaving the hospital?
(a) 10.
(b) 8.
(c) 11.
(d) 4.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what does Kayla exchange her hospital gown?

2. What does Nedra say on television about Kayla?

3. What does Mfumbe try to steal that gets him caught?

4. Where does Kayla see Zekeal?

5. What does Nedra wish she had taken seriously?

(see the answer keys)

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