The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Final Test - Easy

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Final Test - Easy

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kayla do when she comes to a stream?
(a) Follows it.
(b) Drinks some of the water even though it has not been boiled.
(c) Crosses it.
(d) Takes a bath.

2. According to August, who is Eutonah?
(a) An Indian chief.
(b) Leader of a resistance force.
(c) Whiteface Mountain.
(d) A code word.

3. What happens to Kayla one morning when she wakes up?
(a) She tries to kill herself.
(b) She has a vision of Eutonah.
(c) She cries and cries and can't stop.
(d) She calls her grandfather.

4. How old is Kayla in a dream she has after leaving the hospital?
(a) 4.
(b) 10.
(c) 8.
(d) 11.

5. What does Kayla smell when she approaches a cabin in the woods?
(a) Food.
(b) Something dead.
(c) Smoke.
(d) Stagnant water.

6. Why does Kayla want to lie down and sleep instead of fleeing the hospital?
(a) She is depressed.
(b) She is still drugged.
(c) She thinks it may be better to wait to leave until after dark.
(d) She is in pain.

7. What is in the truck where Mfumbe and Kayla hide?
(a) Chips and soda.
(b) Beer.
(c) Blood work from new tattoos.
(d) Laboratory samples.

8. What does Kayla see on the television in the cabin?
(a) A story about how her mother is not really dead.
(b) A story about how she had caused the crash that killed Tova.
(c) An interview with Mava.
(d) An interview with Mava's daughter.

9. Why does Kayla have to force herself to keep moving?
(a) She is tired of running.
(b) She is depressed.
(c) She is questioning her decision to run.
(d) She is ill and has a fever.

10. What does Katie say runs in her family?
(a) Self-determination.
(b) Rebelliousness.
(c) Mental illness.
(d) Cancer.

11. How is Tova planning to get through another tollbooth?
(a) Going around the booth by driving off-road.
(b) Telling them he is out of credit and will write a check.
(c) Crashing through it.
(d) He is not sure yet how to get past the tollbooth.

12. What happens when Kayla starts to run away from the wreck?
(a) She twists her ankle.
(b) The police fire at her.
(c) She hears a gunshot and then Mava is no longer screaming.
(d) She hears Mava scream.

13. While in the diner, what does Kayla consider doing?
(a) Calling her grandfather.
(b) Killing herself.
(c) Calling Zekeal.
(d) Turning herself in to the authorities.

14. Where does Kayla spend several days when she becomes very ill while traveling?
(a) A cave.
(b) A tree house.
(c) A clearing inside a thorn thicket.
(d) A lean-to.

15. What does Kayla suddenly realize?
(a) Maybe she should not have used the computer.
(b) Maybe Nedra was being forced to make up the story about Kayla.
(c) Maybe Zekeal was the one who made Nedra talk on television.
(d) Maybe they were lying about her mother being dead.

Short Answer Questions

1. In which direction is the truck traveling?

2. Who are Tova and Mava?

3. What does Nedra say on television about Kayla?

4. What is Kayla relieved about as a few days go by?

5. What does Mava invite Kayla to do?

(see the answer keys)

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