The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bar Code Tattoo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are Amber's parents feeling stressed about a planned move?
(a) They are moving into an area that is considered unsafe.
(b) They want to buy new furnishings but do not have the money.
(c) They don't have enough money for the moving costs.
(d) They now have nowhere to live.

2. What is Kayla's mother looking at on the computer?
(a) A list of illegal activities being carried out by the government.
(b) Pictures of Kayla's father as a boy.
(c) A list of agents who will help people re-locate out of the country.
(d) A database file on her father.

3. How does Kayla's father supposedly die?
(a) Heart attack.
(b) Accidental drowning.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Cancer.

4. Whose killing is reported by the newspaper?
(a) One of Kayla's classmates.
(b) Gene Drake.
(c) The President.
(d) Amber's father.

5. According to the newspaper's story, why was the person killed?
(a) His wife thought he was cheating.
(b) He created a ruckus about tattoos.
(c) He was in the line of fire for another target.
(d) Her husband was angry and killed her.

6. In her vision, where does Kayla see herself?
(a) On top of a bare mountain near the coast.
(b) In a crowd of people headed for a large city.
(c) In an art gallery in Paris.
(d) In the desert.

7. According to Ashley, what is the cause of Joseph's death?
(a) A protest over the direction society is taking.
(b) A mixture of prescription drugs.
(c) Weak heart.
(d) The bar code.

8. Why does Amber have to go with her parents?
(a) They have to use her barcode for expenses.
(b) Her mother is very ill.
(c) She has to watch her younger siblings while they look for jobs.
(d) She is still a minor.

9. What is Zekeal's explanation for the email?
(a) He hopes to subvert Tattoo Gen from the inside.
(b) It was sent to him in error.
(c) He was planning to tell Kayla.
(d) He is a double agent.

10. What does Kayla want to buy for Amber's birthday?
(a) A new movie.
(b) A music chip.
(c) A sitting for a video.
(d) A meal chip.

11. What does Kayla suggest are related?
(a) Tattooing and the radical left.
(b) Cloning and the religious right.
(c) Tattooing and the Bull market.
(d) Cloning and tattooing.

12. In what year does Kayla's father die?
(a) 2015.
(b) 2054.
(c) 2045.
(d) 2025.

13. What does the doctor at the hospital insist they do with Kayla?
(a) Let her leave the hospital without a tattoo.
(b) Tattoo her.
(c) Make Kayla wait to leave until her aunt and uncle arrive.
(d) Pretend her mother is still alive.

14. According to Ashley, what is happening to the healthy babies at the hospital?
(a) They are being genetically enhanced.
(b) They are being swapped to the best parents.
(c) They are being "adopted" by the State.
(d) They are being sent to training schools and their parents told they are dead.

15. What is proposed about persons seeking public assistance?
(a) They would have to have a bar code to receive assistance.
(b) They could not get assistance if they had enough money for a bar code.
(c) They would be given a free tattoo and genetic check when on public assistance.
(d) Their bar code would have to be read each time they came in for their check.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which other person does Kayla know who is in the same situation as the person living in the Motor Inn?

2. Who is living at the Route Nine Motor Inn?

3. What is Zekeal reading when Kayla gets to his apartment?

4. Where does August suggest the group might meet up if they have to leave their homes?

5. What is one argument against the tattoo?

(see the answer keys)

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