The Bar Code Tattoo Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bar Code Tattoo Chapter Abstracts for Teachers

Suzanne Weyn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Bar Code Tattoo Lesson Plans

Chapters 1 - 4

• Kayla finds out she is unlikely to get a scholarship to an art school because her computer grades are too low.

• Kayla's parents have accepted the bar code. Every student is supposed to get a bar code tattoo when they turn seventeen.

• At school, Kayla tells Amber about not getting a scholarship because of a low grade in computer.

• Kayla skips the rest of school that day and goes to the mall to buy Amber's birthday present.

• When Kayla arrives home,there is a crowd of people around her house. Gene, a neighbor stops her and says there is something wrong with her father.

• The paramedics put her father in the ambulance, barely alive. Her mother tells her the bar code did it to him.

• Her father dies, and the authorities call it suicide.

• Kayla tries to remove the bloodstains from the bathtub and slips into...

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