The Bad Muslim Discount Test | Final Test - Easy

Syed M. Masood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bad Muslim Discount Test | Final Test - Easy

Syed M. Masood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Azza's father?
(a) Jamali Loharani.
(b) Yousef Ganni.
(c) Shadab Domki.
(d) Abu.

2. Who taught Abu to love tea?
(a) His mother.
(b) His father.
(c) An aunt.
(d) His grandmother.

3. What color handbag does Zuha carry when she meets Anvar for the first time in years?
(a) Navy.
(b) White.
(c) Green.
(d) Tan.

4. Who punches Anvar after Abu leaves Anvar's apartment after discussing immigration issues?
(a) Bhatti.
(b) Aamir.
(c) Qais.
(d) Imtiaz.

5. Who damages Bhatti's office?
(a) Abu.
(b) FBI.
(c) Qais.
(d) Police.

6. What does Abu give Anvar for a retainer?
(a) A few pennies.
(b) A dollar.
(c) A nearly empty roll of Mentos.
(d) A stick of gum.

7. What does Aamir give Anvar to put on his head after Anvar is punched?
(a) Frozen peas.
(b) Beer can.
(c) Cold rag.
(d) Bag of ice.

8. What does Bhatti compare Qais to?
(a) Pig.
(b) Donkey.
(c) Buzzard.
(d) Hyena.

9. On page 227, where does Anvar agree to meet Qais?
(a) Indian restaurant.
(b) Iraqi restaurant.
(c) Pakistani restaurant.
(d) Egyptian restaurant.

10. What causes the strong aroma of desi food?
(a) Turmeric.
(b) Garlic.
(c) Cardamon.
(d) Fried onions.

11. What do Anvar and Zuha both order to eat at a French bistro?
(a) Pan seared Salmon.
(b) Mushroom and Parmesan Risotto.
(c) Filet mignon.
(d) Duck vonfit.

12. What does Azza leave for Abu when she packs?
(a) A book.
(b) A notebook.
(c) Qais's ring and a note saying only "Goodbye."
(d) A one-page note.

13. How many girlfriends does Zuha say that people say Anvar has?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 6.

14. When does the section "The Trap" take place?
(a) 2014.
(b) 2015.
(c) 2017.
(d) 2016.

15. What is the name of the restaurant where Anvar meets Zuha on page 260?
(a) Rich Table.
(b) Serafina.
(c) Mathilde.
(d) Micahel Mina.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color is the embroidery on Zuha's lehenga at the engagement party?

2. What day of the week does Anvar go to the mosque when he goes?

3. What color kurta does Anvar wear to his brother's engagement party?

4. What does Qais want from Anvar when they meet at the mosque?

5. Where does Azza have Zuha drive her?

(see the answer keys)

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