Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the only thing that Violet says she knows how to cook?
2. What does Justice Strauss say that her case in the High Court was about?
3. What word does Mr. Poe explain the meaning of to the children although they already know it?
4. What does Violet suggest they go to Justice Strauss' house for?
5. When the story begins where are the Baudelaire children?
Short Essay Questions
1. Explain what happens when Klaus talks back to Count Olaf in chapter four telling him that their family money can't be touched until Violet is of age.
2. What is the children's response to Count Olaf when they first meet?
3. What is Violet's first thought when she sees the figure walking towards them in Chapter 1?
4. What does Mr. Poe tell the children when they say that Count Olaf is a terrible guardian and explain Count Olaf's behavior in Chapter 5?
5. What do Count's guests say when they find that Count is disciplining the children?
6. How does Count Olaf describe the play, The Marvelous Marriage, to the children?
7. What is Violet doing while she is standing on the beach in Chapter 1?
8. Describe the scene after Olaf and his troupe leave the house to go to their performance.
9. Explain the mood of the Baudelaire children in the beginning of Chapter 2 after they have learned of their parents' deaths.
10. Describe the Baudelaire children's response when they first meet Justice Strauss.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What is the significance of the play's name 'The Marvelous Marriage'? What other names could Count Olaf have come up with and created the same effect? Suggest your own name for the play, and give your reasons why.
Essay Topic 2
Describe the feeling that the children have once they are put into Count Olaf's home. How is this reflected in the room they are forced to share? Explain your reasoning.
Essay Topic 3
1) What is significant about Count Olaf's acting career?
2) Could Count Olaf have had a different career? Explain.
3) What is general thought about actors as a stereotype? Does Count Olaf fit this description? Explain.
This section contains 846 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |