The Bad Beginning Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bad Beginning Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who stands beside Klaus for the duration of the play?
(a) The white faced ladies
(b) The bald headed man
(c) Justice Strauss
(d) The hook-handed man

2. What does the hook-handed man say the three orphans will have to do that night?
(a) Be beaten
(b) Go without supper
(c) Be tied up
(d) Be locked in the tower together

3. What does Klaus find when he tries to uncover Sunny to wake her up?
(a) She has been tied up
(b) She is sick
(c) She is missing
(d) She has been drugged

4. What does Klaus see Violet do that he hadn't seen her do in a long time?
(a) Begin drawing an invention
(b) Tie up her hair
(c) Whistle
(d) Cross her arms

5. Who do the children find standing behind them while they search for Sunny?
(a) Hook-handed man
(b) The bald man
(c) The white faced ladies
(d) Count Olaf

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Count Olaf find waiting for him at the breakfast table the next morning?

2. When does Count Olaf say he will release Sunny?

3. Once the invention is complete, what is it that Violet has made?

4. What does the hook-handed man hold in front of Klaus' face after threatening him?

5. What does the hook-handed man threaten to do if there is any 'monkey business'?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the tower described in Chapter 11?

2. Describe the scene where Violet is walking down the stairs to do the play, The Marvelous Marriage, in Chapter 11.

3. What is Justice Strauss' reaction when she sees the children before they go on in Chapter 12?

4. What is Count Olaf's response in Chapter 8 when Klaus calls him a terrible man?

5. What does Klaus do as the hook-handed man leaves the library to fetch Violet and Sunny in Chapter 7?

6. What is it that Violet's parents told her when they brought both Klaus, and later, Sunny, home from the hospital?

7. What does Violet find when she reaches the top of the tower and has climbed her grappling hook?

8. Describe the scene seen by the children at the beginning of Chapter 12 while they are standing back stage of the play.

9. Describe the scene in Chapter 8 where Count Olaf walks the children out to see where Sunny is being held.

10. Describe the grappling hook that Violet creates to attempt a rescue in Chapter 8.

(see the answer keys)

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