The Bad Beginning Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bad Beginning Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the hook-handed man say he is going to go do?
(a) Go find some rope
(b) Burn the grappling hook
(c) Take Violet to the garage
(d) Get Klaus

2. What does Violet do that causes her to begin thinking as she walks down the stairs with Olaf to the play?
(a) Holds Klaus' hand with her left hand
(b) Stops herself from falling with her right hand
(c) Puts her hair back
(d) Sneezes and catches it with her right hand

3. What picture does Violet have that almost makes her give up before she even tries to throw the grappling hook?
(a) The thought of falling
(b) Her blowing in the wind while on the rope
(c) Klaus and Sunny both dangling in cages
(d) The though of Count Olaf catching her

4. How does Violet sleep that night?
(a) Deeply
(b) Very little
(c) Fitfully
(d) Like a log

5. Where does Count Olaf say that Sunny will remain until after the play?
(a) At Justice Strauss' house
(b) With the hook-handed man
(c) His bedroom
(d) The tower

6. What is Klaus' costume for the play?
(a) A poilot suit
(b) A policeman's uniform
(c) An army outfit
(d) A sailor suit

7. What does Count Olaf demand to have before the children start their chores?
(a) The law book
(b) Their shoes
(c) A nap
(d) Lunch

8. What does Klaus say is the name of the book that he has been up all night reading?
(a) Prenuptsials and agreements
(b) Nuptial Law
(c) Marriage for underage orphans
(d) Marriage and Matramony

9. What does the hook-handed man say the three orphans will have to do that night?
(a) Be beaten
(b) Be locked in the tower together
(c) Go without supper
(d) Be tied up

10. What does Klaus rip a paper into pieces for while he reads?
(a) To try and stay awake
(b) Bookmarks
(c) To chew
(d) To keep his hands busy

11. What type of book is it that the narrator explains practically no one likes to read about?
(a) Orphans
(b) Law
(c) Death
(d) Medicine

12. What is Justice Strauss carrying that she is to use on stage?
(a) A box to stand on
(b) A justice's wig
(c) A large feather quill
(d) A real law book

13. What does the hook-handed man pull out of his pocket?
(a) Walkie-talkie
(b) Cell Phone
(c) Knife
(d) Tape

14. What explanation does Klaus give to Justice Strauss for why they are reading her large law books?
(a) They want to get away from Olaf
(b) They are considering a career in law
(c) They want to get to their family's money sooner
(d) They have been watching Court T.V.

15. What does Klaus say the name of the play should be changed to?
(a) Dirty Old Man
(b) The Marriage to get the Orphan's Money
(c) The Unending Marriage
(d) The Menacing Marriage

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Justice Strauss called off to do?

2. What is Violet's costume in the play?

3. Klaus says that Count Olaf's plan wouldn't work if he and Violet were what?

4. When does the hook-handed man say that Klaus might be allowed back in the library?

5. What reason does Violet give for not being able to marry?

(see the answer keys)

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