The Baby Party Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 69 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Baby Party Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 69 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When John argues with Joe, what does John make the argument about?
(a) The merits of their respective wives.
(b) The silliness of having a party for babies.
(c) The quality of Joe's manhood.
(d) Their relative social status.

2. John enjoys hearing Ede's "non sequiturs" (3). What does this describe in his daughter's speech?
(a) Ideas that are more fantasy than reality.
(b) Ideas that flow continuously without waiting for a response.
(c) Ideas that have no logical connection.
(d) Ideas that are more emotional than rational.

3. Why does Ede begin to cry shortly after her father arrives at the Markeys' house?
(a) She is confused and upset by all of the shouting.
(b) She hears Mr. Markey call both her and her mother insulting names.
(c) She does not want to leave the party.
(d) She is overtired and wants her father to pay attention to her.

4. How do the Androses know the Markeys?
(a) They are in the same bridge club.
(b) Joe and John work at the same firm.
(c) Joe and John went to college together.
(d) They are next-door neighbors.

5. When Joe Markey comes downstairs and hears Edith insult his wife and child, what does he tell Edith to do?
(a) Apologize to his wife.
(b) Control herself.
(c) Mind her manners.
(d) Get out of his house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ede think the stuffed bear that Billy is holding is?

2. What does Ede do right after Mrs. Markey says that she does not find the situation funny?

3. What does Edith decide is true about John when he has not arrived by six o'clock?

4. To John Andros, what does Ede represent?

5. What does Edith feel when she joins Ede in her misbehavior?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does John Andros enjoy about being a father?

2. What reason does the narrator give for the children's good behavior?

3. Describe the setting of "The Baby Party."

4. How does the dispute between Ede and Billy begin, and what happens during their argument?

5. What does Mrs. Markey say about Ede when she and Edith are first talking, and how does Edith react?

6. What background information does the narrator give about John, and how does this background affect his mood when he is headed for the party?

7. How does Edith feel about talking to Mrs. Markey?

8. What time does Edith Andros arrive at the baby party, and why?

9. How does Mrs. Markey respond to Edith's laughter?

10. Before John arrives at the party, why is Edith irritated with him?

(see the answer keys)

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