The Baby Party Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 69 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Baby Party Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 69 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Edith tell John she thought that he and Joe were going to do when she went back into the house?
(a) Argue a little bit and then come inside.
(b) Fight each other.
(c) Shake hands and make peace.
(d) Go to the bar to get a drink together.

2. What is Billy doing as the adults around him begin to argue loudly?
(a) Crying.
(b) Eating more cake.
(c) Playing with his toy.
(d) Sleeping.

3. After they leave the Markeys' house, why does John watch to make sure that Edith has reached their own walkway?
(a) He wants his daughter to get out of the cold December air.
(b) He wants her safely out of the way before he and Joe fight.
(c) He does not want her to overhear what he is about to say to Joe.
(d) He is concerned that she will get into another argument with Mrs. Markey.

4. What word describes John's attitude toward Joe during their argument?
(a) Pitying.
(b) Wounded.
(c) Contemptuous.
(d) Ambivalent.

5. What interrupts Edith's thoughts about John as the party is winding down?
(a) Billy opens a present and Ede asks her mother what it is.
(b) Ede pushes Billy down and Billy cries out.
(c) The doorbell rings and another father enters the room.
(d) Mrs. Markey suggests that Edith might want to call John.

6. How old is John Andros?
(a) 48.
(b) 32.
(c) 42.
(d) 38.

7. What does Edith feel when she joins Ede in her misbehavior?
(a) Shame and embarrassment.
(b) Relief and freedom.
(c) Solidarity and defiance.
(d) Anxiety and exhilaration.

8. How long is the fight between John and Joe?
(a) 10 minutes.
(b) 2 minutes.
(c) 5 minutes.
(d) 20 minutes.

9. What does Ede do right after Mrs. Markey says that she does not find the situation funny?
(a) Throws the teddy bear at Billy.
(b) Laughs.
(c) Shoves Billy to the floor.
(d) Mimics Mrs. Markey.

10. When John walks into the Markey house, what is the first thing that Edith tells him?
(a) He needs to defend his daughter.
(b) The Markeys are throwing her out of the house.
(c) His lateness caused her to lose her temper.
(d) Mrs. Markey has been calling her names.

11. What does John do to accommodate Edith's wishes?
(a) Stops to get a baby gift on his way home.
(b) Brings a camera to take pictures at the party.
(c) Leaves work early so that he can get to the party before it ends.
(d) Stops to get Ede a sweater on his way to the party.

12. As John walks to the Markeys' house, what is he wondering about?
(a) Whether his friend Joe will be at the party.
(b) How Ede will compare to the other children.
(c) How long he will be expected to stay at the party.
(d) Whether his wife is having a good time.

13. Why are all of the children at the party so carefully dressed?
(a) Mrs. Markey is known to be a snob about clothing.
(b) It is a way to show respect to the party's hosts.
(c) Their parents want to show them off.
(d) Their parents want them to be comfortable while they play.

14. What does Mrs. Markey say should be the consequence of Ede's behavior?
(a) She should be spanked.
(b) She should not be allowed to go to the next party.
(c) She should have to give Billy one of her toys.
(d) She should have to apologize to Billy.

15. How old is Ede when the story takes place?
(a) 1 1/2.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 2 1/2.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ede and Billy argue over the teddy bear, what is Joe Markey's initial response?

2. What does the narrator mean by "even his feeling about his little girl was qualified" (3)?

3. What causes the two men to stop fighting?

4. What does Edith decide is true about John when he has not arrived by six o'clock?

5. What technique is used on page 3 when John's life is described as "a series of struggles up a series of rugged hills"?

(see the answer keys)

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