The Baby Party Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 69 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Baby Party Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 69 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "The Baby Party".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. John enjoys hearing Ede's "non sequiturs" (3). What does this describe in his daughter's speech?
(a) Ideas that have no logical connection.
(b) Ideas that are more fantasy than reality.
(c) Ideas that are more emotional than rational.
(d) Ideas that flow continuously without waiting for a response.

2. Why is Edith eager for John to arrive at the Markeys' house?
(a) She wants him to see how wonderful Ede is in this context.
(b) She wants the other women to see how devoted he is to her.
(c) She hopes that he will talk to the Markeys so she does not have to.
(d) She wants an excuse to leave the party.

3. At the end of the story, what does John tell Edith he expects her to do?
(a) Apologize to Mrs. Markey.
(b) Stop going over to the Markeys' house.
(c) Punish Ede for shoving Billy.
(d) Teach Ede better manners.

4. As John walks to the Markeys' house, what is he wondering about?
(a) Whether his friend Joe will be at the party.
(b) Whether his wife is having a good time.
(c) How Ede will compare to the other children.
(d) How long he will be expected to stay at the party.

5. What amuses John about the idea of the baby party?
(a) The idea of the mothers all making critical remarks about one another's children.
(b) The idea of the babies causing chaos in someone else's house.
(c) The idea that babies would even understand the idea of a party.
(d) The idea that anyone would want to go to a party for babies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What interrupts Edith's thoughts about John as the party is winding down?

2. What surprising thing does Joe say to John after the fight?

3. What does John do to accommodate Edith's wishes?

4. What interrupts the argument between Joe and John?

5. What does the narrator say, on page 6, is the "real business of the afternoon"?

(see the answer key)

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