The Autumn of the Patriarch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autumn of the Patriarch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does the General finally consummate his relationship with Leticia?
(a) Shortly following the anniversary of her kidnapping.
(b) After they are married, in strict accordance with Leticia's beliefs.
(c) Immediately, unable to resist her undefiled body.
(d) Shortly after the second anniversary of the kidnapping.

2. Which character's death is described as a marker of the end of creation?
(a) Leticia Nazareno's.
(b) The General's.
(c) Major General Rodrigo de Aguilar's.
(d) Manuela Sanchez's.

3. How much taffeta did Leticia steal?
(a) One hundred and ninety meters.
(b) One hundred and ninety yards.
(c) One hundred and ninety leagues.
(d) One hundred and ninety feet.

4. What does the narrator use to scrape away the layers disfiguring the General's body?
(a) A flint edge.
(b) Pumice stone.
(c) Fish scalers.
(d) A knife blade.

5. What happens during the wedding ceremony?
(a) Leticia faints from the pressures of marrying the General.
(b) Manuela Sanchez returns to seek vengeance.
(c) Rebels attempt to assassinate the General with an exploding milk cart.
(d) Leticia gives birth to Emanuel.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to popular rumor, what does Lord Kochel eat?

2. The General agonizes over a scrap of paper. What does it read?

3. The General paid a man 200 pesos to do which of the following during his mother's procession?

4. What is Death wearing when she arrives?

5. What is Demetrius Aldous's nickname?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Monsignor Demetrius Aldous as he concludes his investigation of the General's mother?

2. Describe the circumstances under which the General meets Leticia Nazareno.

3. Why does the General order the Church and its clergy to be expelled from the nation and how is this accomplished?

4. Describe the successful assassination attempt.

5. How does the General defeat Jose Ignacio Saenz de la Barra's attempted coup?

6. Why does Leticia always receive inferior merchandise from the market?

7. What are the contents of the sack which appears to be full of coconuts?

8. What does Monsignor Demetrius Aldous discover about Bendicion Alvarado?

9. How does Leticia Nazareno's relationship with the General begin?

10. Describe the encounter between the General and the school girl narrator in Chapter 6.

(see the answer keys)

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