The Autumn of the Patriarch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autumn of the Patriarch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In a sack of what seems like coconuts, what does Jose Ignacio Saenz de la Barra deliver to the General?
(a) The heads of suspected enemies.
(b) The heads of the General's allies.
(c) A load of rocks.
(d) The heads of the General's remaining family.

2. Where does death finally find the General?
(a) On the balcony.
(b) The bathroom.
(c) His chambers.
(d) In the courtyard.

3. How many folios of information does Demetrius Aldous compile?
(a) 370 folios in 7 volumes.
(b) 7.
(c) 350.
(d) 7 folios in 350 volumes.

4. Where do the armed forces maintain order during the investigation of Bendicion's life?
(a) The Presidential Palace.
(b) The capitol city.
(c) Bendicion Alvarado's mansion.
(d) The Apostolic Nunciature.

5. Who poses as a student and sleeps with the General?
(a) A waterfront prostitute.
(b) Leticia Nazareno.
(c) Cecilia.
(d) Otilia.

6. What is the first ceremony performed after Emanuel's birth?
(a) He is appointed President.
(b) He is appointed Major General.
(c) He is canonized.
(d) He is baptized.

7. To whom does the General pray in his last moments?
(a) God.
(b) His mother.
(c) No one.
(d) The Virgin Mary.

8. What happens when Leticia touches fresh market goods?
(a) They wither or mold.
(b) They multiply prolifically.
(c) They increase in size.
(d) They become State property.

9. The General agonizes over a scrap of paper. What does it read?
(a) God save the Maginificent.
(b) The General is dead.
(c) God damns sinners.
(d) My name is Zacarias.

10. When was the last time the General was seen in public?
(a) Before the hurricane.
(b) Before the comet.
(c) Before the banquet.
(d) Before Leticia Nazareno's death.

11. From what are the lepers under the rose bushes dying?
(a) Disease.
(b) Despair.
(c) Poison.
(d) Old age.

12. What does the second bulletin released after the General's death declare?
(a) The General has a family emergency and must sequester himself.
(b) The General has taken a religious vow of isolation for 30 days.
(c) The General has fallen to an ailment related to his increased years.
(d) The General has requested more time alone.

13. When Bendicion Alvarado's body is returned to the General, what has changed?
(a) The pink tulip is missing.
(b) Each person has added a tribute to the mother of the Nation.
(c) The people have added tokens of the miracles that happened in her presence.
(d) Her body has been defiled.

14. Who does the U.S. send in to carry out the punishment?
(a) The U.S. Marire Corpse.
(b) Engineers from the U.S. Center for Biological War.
(c) The Navy SEALS.
(d) Ambassador Ewing's nautical engineers.

15. What is placed in Bendicion Alvarado's hand?
(a) A fine oriole.
(b) Her finest oriole painting.
(c) A pink live tulip.
(d) A pink silk tulip.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the first bulletin released after the General's death declare?

2. What happened to the cause of Bendicion Alvarado?

3. Where do the soap operas the General and Leticia watch come from?

4. According to popular rumor, what does Lord Kochel eat?

5. How had the General's government dealt with petty criminals?

(see the answer keys)

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