The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What field worker does Jane describe as being beaten by Samson for sloppiness in “Samson”?
(a) Amma Dean.
(b) Judy Major.
(c) Big Laura.
(d) Black Harriet.

2. Where does Jimmy go to attend school in Book 4: The Quarters (Part 1)?
(a) Topeka.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Little Rock.
(d) Houston.

3. How is the door opened in the room where Tee Bob has locked himself in "The Samson House"?
(a) With a key.
(b) With an axe.
(c) With a hammer.
(d) With a shovel.

4. Where does Tee Bob lock himself away in the house in "The Samson House"?
(a) In his bedroom.
(b) In the kitchen.
(c) In the library.
(d) In the attic.

5. Who retrieves a letter from the table by where Tee Bob's body is discovered in "The Samson House"?
(a) Timmy.
(b) Hardy.
(c) Clamp Brown.
(d) Jules Raynard.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what type of protest was Martin Luther King, Jr. known?

2. What word from the narrative means to combine one thing with another so they become whole?

3. Who is sent to bring Tee Bob from hiding in the house in "The Samson House"?

4. Who does the white man turn into in Jane's vision from “The Travels of Miss Jane Pittman”?

5. What word from the narrative refers to a derogatory name for Spaniards, Italians, or Portuguese?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Jackie Robinson's games related to the blacks at the plantation in Book 4: The Quarters?

2. In what endeavor does Jimmy solicit Jane's help in Book 4: The Quarters?

3. What leads Tee Bob to punch his friend Jimmy Caya in "Confession"?

4. Who concludes the true blame for Tee Bob's death in the end of "The Samson House"? Who is to blame?

5. What is significant about Jane's settlement at Samson Plantation in "Samson"?

6. What does Jimmy Aaron reveal during a church service after his return to the plantation? How is his message received?

7. How does Mary Agnes respond when Tee Bob confronts her in "Robert and Mary"?

8. How do racial inequality and the segregationist principles of the South impact Timmy and Tee Bob?

9. How is Jimmy Aaron's early childhood described? Who raises him?

10. Who discovers Mary Agnres in the end of "Robert and Mary"? How is she discovered?

(see the answer keys)

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