The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Joe Pittman's position when Jane marries him?
(a) He is a horse breaker.
(b) He is a butler in the Big House.
(c) He is a field worker.
(d) He is a cook.

2. What does the old man show Ned and Jane to help them on their journey in “An Old Man"?
(a) A map of the U.S.
(b) A history book.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) A railway schedule.

3. What name has Ned taken on in “Ned Leaves Home”?
(a) Edward James Wilson.
(b) Edward Stephen Douglass.
(c) Edward Agnes LeFabre.
(d) Edward Cluveau.

4. Who is the plantation owner that Job takes Ned and Jane to meet in “Rednecks and Scalawags”?
(a) Mr. Major.
(b) Mr. Bones.
(c) Mr. Samson.
(d) Mr. Cluveau.

5. How does the narrator describe recording Miss Jane's story in the Introduction?
(a) With a typewriter.
(b) With a reel-to-reel.
(c) With a tape recorder.
(d) With a pen and paper.

6. The white woman tells Jane and Ned in “Heading South” that they won't find a way to cross the river without what?
(a) A boat.
(b) A raft.
(c) Money for the ferry.
(d) A white chaperone.

7. How much money does Dye demand from Joe for leaving the plantation in “Another Home”?
(a) $400.
(b) $150.
(c) $200.
(d) $50.

8. Why does the Klan show up at Jane's doorway in “Ned Leaves Home”?
(a) Because Ned refuses to stop helping blacks escape.
(b) Because she was caught stealing.
(c) Because she accused a white man of attacking her.
(d) Because she tried to run away.

9. Whom does the narrator thank in concluding the Introduction?
(a) "The Samson family, for delivering Jane to her true home."
(b) "The historians who came before me and those who continue to bring the truth to the surface."
(c) "All the wonderful people who were at Miss Jane's house through those long months of interviewing her."
(d) "Judy Major, Amma Dean, and Madame Gautier for their stories, letters, and correspondence."

10. Who kills Ned in “Assassination”?
(a) Colonel Dye.
(b) Clamp Brown.
(c) Albert Cluveau.
(d) Corporal Brown.

11. What impasse have Jane and Ned reached at the end of “Massacre”?
(a) A swamp.
(b) A river.
(c) A giant lake.
(d) A cliffside.

12. After how long does the fisherman abandon Jane in “Man’s Way”?
(a) After 3 years.
(b) After 6 months.
(c) After 1 year.
(d) After 8 months.

13. What does the narrator say he teaches in the Introduction?
(a) Biology.
(b) History.
(c) English.
(d) Geography.

14. What does the white woman give to Jane and Ned on the road in “All Kinds of People”?
(a) Money.
(b) Salt.
(c) Water.
(d) Flour.

15. For how much money per month is Jane hired on at the plantation in “Rednecks and Scalawags”?
(a) $3.
(b) $6.
(c) $10.
(d) $20.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Joe Pittman killed?

2. What eventually leads to the closing down of Ned's school?

3. What does Ned say he is doing in Kansas when he writes to Jane in “Two Letters from Kansas”?

4. Whom does Albert Cluveau say he has been enlisted to kill in “Albert Cluveau”?

5. When was the first movement of the Ku Klux Klan formed in America?

(see the answer keys)

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