The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was the Black Power political phrase viewed as hypocritical?
(a) It advocated using same tools of oppression as were used against them.
(b) It focused on the means used by blacks, not on the goals they sought.
(c) It claimed moral standards to which their own behavior did not conform.
(d) It started with a "nonviolent" group leader but then advocated racial "power".

2. President Kennedy announced a new civil rights proposal on 11 June 1963 and met with King when?
(a) 22 June 1963.
(b) 11 June 1963.
(c) 17 June 1963.
(d) 28 June 1963.

3. King's book, "Where Do We Go from Here, Chaos or Community?" was written when?
(a) In late 1966.
(b) In early 1967.
(c) In mid-1967.
(d) In mid-1966.

4. When Albert Boutwell won a runoff election for mayor on 2 April 1963 against Birmingham Police Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor, what did Connor do?
(a) He left his office, but other commissioners refused to leave.
(b) Along with other commissioners, he refused to leave office.
(c) Along with two other commissioners, he refused to leave office.
(d) He refused to leave his office, but other commissioners left.

5. King noted that Mahatma Gandhi labored for many years without his people being independent, and he died from what?
(a) From illness.
(b) From old age.
(c) From assassination.
(d) From injury.

6. King felt he could not conclude an account of the 6 weeks of protests in Birmingham without recognizing support which came from where?
(a) Around the South.
(b) Around the country.
(c) Around the world.
(d) Around Alabama.

7. What did King identify as the three remaining steps in any nonviolent campaign once an assessment of whether injustices existed has been determined?
(a) The steps were silent prayer, self-purification, and direct action.
(b) The steps were negotiation, gathering support, and indirect action.
(c) The steps were negotiation, self-purification, and direct action.
(d) The steps were indirect action, silent prayer, and gathering support.

8. King stipulated he "deplored violence and war as instruments for achieving solutions to mankind's problems" for how long?
(a) All his adult life.
(b) Since the Vietnam War.
(c) Since the Korean War.
(d) Since high school.

9. What transpired in St. Augustine, Florida, that instigated the fight for the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
(a) The Ku Klux Klan beat five blacks unconscious.
(b) The Ku Klux Klan beat three blacks unconscious.
(c) The Ku Klux Klan beat four blacks unconscious.
(d) The Ku Klux Klan beat six blacks unconscious.

10. Where did angry whites attack a Civil Rights march in Chicago on 5 August 1967?
(a) In the Southeast side.
(b) In the Northwest side.
(c) In the Southwest side.
(d) In the Northeeast side.

11. Widespread racial violence between 11-15 August 1965 in Los Angeles, California, resulted in how many deaths?
(a) Between 20-29.
(b) Over 30.
(c) Between 10-19.
(d) Less than 10.

12. King indicated the war in Vietnam played havoc with what?
(a) The destiny of the entire world.
(b) The destiny of all Vietnam.
(c) The destiny of all Southeast Asia.
(d) The destiny of an entire generation.

13. How many people took part in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom?
(a) An estimated 25 million.
(b) An estimated 15 million.
(c) An estimated 5 million.
(d) An estimated 50 million.

14. President Kennedy called Coretta Scott King and expressed concern for her husband on what date?
(a) 12 April 1963.
(b) 14 April 1963.
(c) 15 April 1963.
(d) 13 April 1963.

15. King saw the rioting in Los Angeles as having arisen from what?
(a) From desperation many endure concerning race-related discrimination.
(b) From despair over poverty which was inextricably linked with racial justice.
(c) From the hopelessness felt by many regarding their economic destitution.
(d) From disheartenment culminating in masses due to brutal police tactics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did King receive a letter from eight clergy members from all major faiths while in jail?

2. More than how many youngsters were arrested in the Birmingham "Children's Crusade" between 2-7 May 1963?

3. White youths murdered a black boy who rode his bicycle while on the same day, a black girl was killed on the streets by whom?

4. How many of his attorneys were allowed to visit King on Easter Sunday afternoon?

5. King wanted to learn from what Scandinavian tradition?

(see the answer keys)

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