The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Margaret George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Margaret George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Henry believe he saw on Valentine's night, the day after Catherine's execution?
(a) His future wife.
(b) Catherine's ghost.
(c) A sign from God that he did the right thing.
(d) Catherine's family weeping in the garden.

2. After Katherine's death, what did the embalmer tell Henry about her body?
(a) Katherine had been in perfect health before she died.
(b) Katherine had been strangled.
(c) Katherine's heart had turned black.
(d) Katherine had been poisoned.

3. What did Henry think about Katherine's appeal to the Pope?
(a) It was inconsequential.
(b) It was an act of treason.
(c) It was laughable.
(d) It was impressive.

4. Who did Henry say Catherine slept with while he was out hunting?
(a) Thomas Wyatt.
(b) Her cousin, Thomas.
(c) Her first love, John.
(d) Charles Brandon.

5. What was St. Oswerth's?
(a) A cathedral.
(b) A palace.
(c) A monastery.
(d) A convent.

6. After NOT being granted his annulment, what did Henry prepare to do?
(a) Reconcile with Katherine of Aragon.
(b) Reopen the trial.
(c) Go to war with Rome.
(d) Break England's ties with the Church in Rome.

7. As he was seeking his annulment, where did Henry travel to, this time taking Anne along with him?
(a) Germany.
(b) France.
(c) Portugal.
(d) Spain.

8. Why was Anne isolated from men during the last month of her pregnancy?
(a) To prevent her baby from being switched at birth.
(b) To prevent men from witnessing the disturbing birthing rituals.
(c) To prevent men from seeking sexual relations.
(d) To prevent stress.

9. Who did Henry expect to meet with on the Progress trip?
(a) The King of France.
(b) His nephew, King James of Scotland.
(c) The Pope.
(d) His children.

10. In Tudor England, how long was the acceptable length of time for deep mourning?
(a) Six months.
(b) A year.
(c) Two years.
(d) Three months.

11. Who was Charles Brandon?
(a) Henry's closest adviser.
(b) The widower of Henry's sister, Mary.
(c) Henry's enemy.
(d) The son of Henry VIII.

12. Who did Henry arrange to perform Anne's execution?
(a) A French swordsman.
(b) He chooses to do it himself.
(c) A relative of Anne.
(d) Thomas Cranmer.

13. Which of the following describes Henry and Anne's marriage ceremony?
(a) Austere.
(b) Lavish.
(c) Secret.
(d) Short.

14. What did a physician find in Catherine Howard's womb?
(a) A pebble.
(b) A fetus.
(c) A growth.
(d) Nothing.

15. As Henry attempted to have his marriage annulled, who did Anne Boleyn claim made a threat on her life?
(a) Katherine of Aragon.
(b) Cardinal Wolsey.
(c) A mob of angry women.
(d) Will Somers.

Short Answer Questions

1. After sleeping together, what title did Henry promise to elevate Anne Boleyn to?

2. Where did Henry and Catherine travel on their annual trip known as the "Progress"?

3. How did Henry become injured to the point that it was feared he would die?

4. Who did Catherine masquerade as at a masque, appalling Henry?

5. What item did Anne insist on having after her daughter's birth that Katherine would not give her?

(see the answer keys)

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