The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What project did Franklin undertake subsequent to the public hospital?
(a) City water system.
(b) Cleaning the city streets.
(c) Public city garbage collection.
(d) City sewer system.

2. Mr. Whitefield was from which locale?
(a) England.
(b) Wales.
(c) Ireland.
(d) Scotland.

3. In what year did the physician friend of Franklin propose a town hospital?
(a) 1751.
(b) 1757.
(c) 1755.
(d) 1753.

4. Braddock and the troops were sent for what two reasons?
(a) Occupation, keeping the colonies in line.
(b) Offense and to keep the colonies in line.
(c) Defense and to assist the colonies.
(d) Defense and to keep the colonies in line.

5. Franklin spoke on the doctor's behalf when he went before which governmental group?
(a) General Assembly.
(b) City Council.
(c) Town Council.
(d) City Commission.

6. What did Franklin acquire for the British officers?
(a) Supplies.
(b) Quarters.
(c) Ammunition.
(d) Horses.

7. The British troops' march was disastrous and most of the men were killed or wounded, and the rest fled back where?
(a) Philadelphia.
(b) Boston.
(c) New York.
(d) Baltimore.

8. Many Quakers did not believe in war, but few opposed the militia for what reason?
(a) They felt the potential threat.
(b) They were an extreme minority.
(c) It was for defense.
(d) There was no compulsary service.

9. Which department did Franklin lobby for in Philadelphia that other cities simulated but he claimed was the best?
(a) Water.
(b) Fire.
(c) Sewer.
(d) Garbage.

10. What did the governor argue before Loudoun?
(a) He was given specific duties, the Assembly must obey him.
(b) His authority came from England, the most important nation.
(c) He was given specific duties, the colonists have no rights.
(d) The colonists rights were limited to landownership, religion, education.

11. Franklin said it made more sense to start at the beginning and learn which language?
(a) Hebrew.
(b) Teutonic.
(c) Greek.
(d) Latin.

12. What bad news prompted Franklin to go to Boston again?
(a) To visit his mother, who was dying.
(b) To visit his father, who was dying.
(c) To visit James, who was in jail again.
(d) To visit James, who was dying.

13. When they finally sailed, it was a long, slow journey filled with delays and other problems, and Franklin described what?
(a) The captain's concern, ironic flaws that caused delay.
(b) The captain's shame, ironic flaws that caused delay.
(c) The captain's pride, ironic flaws that caused delay.
(d) The captain's unconcern, ironic flaws that caused delay.

14. As France became an increasing threat against the American colonies, Franklin wrote a proposal for the colonies to join together in what fashion?
(a) Under one government, no states.
(b) Under multiple governments, 13 states.
(c) Under one government, but 13 nations.
(d) Under one government, as one nation.

15. Franklin noted his kite experiment, which he was proud to see written about where?
(a) Many electricity history books.
(b) Many scientific journals.
(c) Scholarly journals.
(d) Newspapers around the globe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What public position did Franklin first achieve?

2. Braddock was overconfident and did what?

3. Which colleges awarded Franklin honorary degrees?

4. After the British army failed, the colonies were even more anxious to develop and fund what?

5. Franklin became the Postmaster and had the opportunity to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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