The Austere Academy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Austere Academy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is NOT said that Count Olaf has done to the children?
(a) Atrocious cooking
(b) Hitting them
(c) Poison
(d) Nasty phone calls

2. What did the children have to eat with their hands when they went on a picnic with their parents and forgot the silverware?
(a) Egg salad
(b) Mashed potatoes
(c) Sweet-and-sour shrimp
(d) Pudding

3. What does Coach Genghis give to Nero?
(a) A rose
(b) A boquet
(c) A picture of himself
(d) A new bow for his violin

4. What does Isadora's poem say would be a stroke of luck?
(a) If Coach Genghis, by lightening, were struck
(b) If Coach Genghis were hit by a truck
(c) If Coach Genghis were stuck in the muck
(d) If Count Olaf's disguise were suddenly unstuck

5. What does Nero tell the children the shack that they are going to live in is made out of?
(a) Tin
(b) Wood
(c) Bricks
(d) Clay and dirt

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the thing the lasagna in the cafeteria was compared to to relate the size of it?

2. What does Principal Nero say he only has time for?

3. What does Mr. Poe say about the word 'cakesniffer'?

4. What do the Baudelaires sprinkle on the ceiling?

5. What is coming out from between the brick sidewalk the Baudelaire children are standing on?

Short Essay Questions

1. What background information is given to the reader in Chapter 1 regarding the relationship and past events between the Baudelaire children and Count Olaf?

2. Describe the food being served in the cafeteria.

3. What do Coach Genghis and Principal Nero talk about on the way to the auditorium?

4. Why does Klaus not accuse Coach Genghis of being Count Olaf when Coach Genghis enters in Chapter 6?

5. What do the children do when Coach Genghis walks into the office and says that he might really be Count Olaf in disguise?

6. Describe the story of Violet and Klaus going to the fair when their uncle entered a pig into the contest.

7. What does the narrator have to say about Carmelita Spats?

8. What do the Quagmire and Baudelaire children talk about doing when they grow up in Chapter 4?

9. What does Nero tell the children while describing the shack they will be living in?

10. What does the narrator say about the current state of the school and what happened to it after the Baudelaire children left?

(see the answer keys)

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