The Atlantis Gene Test | Final Test - Hard

A.G. Riddle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Atlantis Gene Test | Final Test - Hard

A.G. Riddle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Konrad Kane shot in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 140?

2. The press release that comprises Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 87 is from what news organization?

3. What city did Kate leave after her miscarriage?

4. In the first journal entry in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 97, Patrick Pierce says that the Spanish flu is expected to kill what percentage of the total human population?

5. What kind of animals does Robert Hunt see the men in white suits lower into the hole in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 99?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is revealed to the reader in the conversation between Martin Grey and Dorian Sloane in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 104?

2. What happens after Kate and her father are reunited in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 142?

3. Where does Milo lead Kate Warner in the beginning of Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 69? How is this setting described?

4. How has the setting of the drill site changed when Robert Hunt observes it in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 99?

5. What is related of the Spanish flu epidemic in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 97?

6. Who does Patrick Pierce describe meeting in the journal entries from Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 79? What job is he offered?

7. Where are Kate and David located in the opening of Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 97? What is revealed in the first lines of the journal in the chapter?

8. What is revealed through the conversation between David Vale and Patrick Pierce in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 124?

9. What plan do Kate and David develop after completing the journal in Part III: "The Tombs of Atlantis," Chapter 98?

10. What report is related to Dorian Sloane in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 70? How does he respond to the report?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the character of Dr. Shen Chang in The Atlantis Gene. What is Dr. Chang’s objective in his current study? Who oversees this study and research? How does Dr. Chang respond to the results of his testing? Do you believe this character is a protagonist or antagonist? Why?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the setting of the monastery where Kate and David are taken after escaping the Immari Headquarters in Tibet, and the character of Milo. How old is Milo described? How does Milo’s personality differ from most of the other characters in the novel? How does Milo help Kate and David?

Essay Topic 3

Analyze and discuss the character of Dr. Katherine Warner in The Atlantis Gene. Approximately how old is Kate? How long has she been conducting research in Jakarta? What is revealed of her past? How does Kate’s character evolve in the course of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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