The Atlantis Gene Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

A.G. Riddle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Atlantis Gene Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

A.G. Riddle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year did Indonesia declare independence from the Netherlands?
(a) 1932.
(b) 1878.
(c) 1911.
(d) 1945.

2. What writing on the submarine does Karl Selig make out as the iceberg crumbles in the Prologue of the novel?
(a) U-1062 SS Germaniawerft.
(b) U-977 SS Kreigsmarine.
(c) SM U-101 SS Handelskrieg.
(d) UB-115 SS Kaiserliche Marine.

3. Where is the Autism Research Center that is described as the setting of Part I: "Jakarta Burning," Chapter 1?
(a) Cape Town, South Africa.
(b) New Delhi, India.
(c) Gibraltar.
(d) Jakarta, Indonesia.

4. According to the Toba Catastrophe Theory, the Toba super-eruption occurred sometime between 69,000 and how many years ago?
(a) 77,000.
(b) 23,000.
(c) 125,000.
(d) 71,000.

5. What name is on the ID badge that Kate wears along with a white coat found in the locker at the train station in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 51?
(a) Dr. Christine Warren.
(b) Dr. Emma West.
(c) Dr. Naomi Smith.
(d) Dr. Jennifer Williams.

6. Who does Dorian Sloane ask for on the phone when he first calls the Tibetan Immari facility in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 47?
(a) Dr. Chase.
(b) Nakula Pang.
(c) Dr. Warner.
(d) Dr. Evans.

7. When the Nazis sent expeditions to Antarctica, they claimed part of the continent as a new German province named what, according to the narrator in the Prologue?
(a) Baden-Württemberg.
(b) Neuschwabenland.
(c) North Rhine-Westphalia.
(d) Mecklenburg.

8. The mini-yacht that Harto has received from David Vale in Part I: "Jakarta Burning," Chapter 39 is said to be capable of sleeping how many people below deck in the master stateroom, port guest stateroom, and aft guest stateroom?
(a) 3.
(b) 6.
(c) 8.
(d) 4.

9. According to the narrator in the Prologue, Antarctica holds what percentage of the world’s ice?
(a) 70%.
(b) 60%.
(c) 90%.
(d) 80%.

10. In Part I: "Jakarta Burning," Chapter 22, Dr. Kate Warner tells David Vale that who is the Head of Immari Research?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her adoptive father.
(c) Her brother-in-law.
(d) Her grandfather.

11. Where is the present-day site of Lake Toba and the supposed Toba super-eruption?
(a) Sumatra, Indonesia.
(b) Antarctica.
(c) Gibraltar, Iberian Peninsula.
(d) Cape Town, South Africa.

12. Who arrives at the Clocktower Station Headquarters to meet with David Vale in Part I: "Jakarta Burning," Chapter 9?
(a) Josh Cohen.
(b) Adam Lynch.
(c) Conner Anderson.
(d) Dmitry Kozlov.

13. How many people comprise the Indonesian National Police marine unit, as described in the news release in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 43?
(a) 20,000.
(b) 12,000.
(c) 40,000.
(d) 5,000.

14. What term from the novel refers to the study of mitotically or meiotically heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype, caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence?
(a) Culigenetics.
(b) Cryogenetics.
(c) Synergetics.
(d) Epigenetics.

15. What does Harto intend to do with the mini-yacht he’s been given by David Vale in Part I: "Jakarta Burning," Chapter 39?
(a) Host fishing tours.
(b) Sell it to the government.
(c) Scrap it to build a house.
(d) Sell it to tourists.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dr. Kate Warner tells David Vale in Part II: "A Tibetan Tapestry," Chapter 49 that Autism Spectrum Disorders have increased in America in the past 20 years by how much?

2. What is Harto’s son’s name said to be in Part I: "Jakarta Burning," Chapter 26?

3. Who is the man that comes to torture Dr. Kate Warner in Part I: "Jakarta Burning," Chapter 37?

4. What is the setting of Part I: "Jakarta Burning," Chapter 6?

5. What is the name of the research vessel that is described in the opening of the Prologue?

(see the answer keys)

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