The Astonishing Color of After Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Emily X. R. Pan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Astonishing Color of After Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Emily X. R. Pan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does Leigh note was her mother’s favorite?
(a) Crepes.
(b) Fried cruller.
(c) Youtiao.
(d) Shaobing.

2. As which of the following does Leigh gloss “hunxie” in the novel?
(a) Biennial.
(b) Bicameral.
(c) Biracial.
(d) Bilateral.

3. On which of the following streets does Leigh live?
(a) Larchmont.
(b) Mill Row.
(c) Eastchester.
(d) Mamaronexk.

4. To which of the following does Leigh presume Brian compares her artwork?
(a) Heroin.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) Methamphetamines.
(d) Cocaine.

5. Which of the following artists is identified as a favorite of Brian’s?
(a) Chucho Valdés.
(b) Alfredo Rodriguez.
(c) Omar Sosa.
(d) Nachito Herrera.

6. Which of the following does Leigh note as present in the market she and Waipo visit on her first full day in Taipei?
(a) Honeycrisp apples.
(b) Crabapples.
(c) Sugar-apples.
(d) Pineapples.

7. Which of the following is the name of Caro’s mother?
(a) Mel.
(b) Morgan.
(c) Cheslin.
(d) Tina.

8. Which of the following words does Leigh recognize as Brian and Waipo talk after they arrive in Taipei from the United States?
(a) Taipei.
(b) America.
(c) Canada.
(d) China.

9. Which of the following is the title of the composition Axel sends Leigh, the “final piece in the Lockhart Orchard set” (85)?
(a) "Goodbye."
(b) "Farewell."
(c) "Hello."
(d) "Until next Time."

10. In which of the following is Dorothy’s suicide note found?
(a) A jewelry box.
(b) The trash.
(c) The piano.
(d) A dresser.

11. Which of the following colors does Leigh associate with Dorothy’s suffering?
(a) Red.
(b) White.
(c) Black.
(d) Blue.

12. As which of the following colors does Leigh interpret Brian’s voice?
(a) Burnt umber.
(b) King’s blue.
(c) Burnt sienna.
(d) Cobalt blue.

13. As which of the following does Leigh gloss “xiexie” in the novel?
(a) Hello.
(b) Thanks.
(c) You’re welcome.
(d) Goodbye.

14. Which of the following scents does Leigh associate with her mother?
(a) Coconut shampoo.
(b) Frying dough.
(c) Dryer sheets.
(d) Ink and paper.

15. Which of the following does Leigh note for sale by the breakfast shop she and Waipo visit the morning after her first use of the strange incense?
(a) Luo buo gao.
(b) Dan bing.
(c) Shao bing.
(d) Dou jiang.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does Waipo note “have been particularly good this season” (51)?

2. As which of the following does Leigh gloss “piaoliang” in the novel?

3. As which of the following does Leigh gloss “ni hao” in the novel?

4. Which of the following colors does Leigh associate with Brian’s grief over Dorothy?

5. To which of the following does Leigh compare the box the bird Dorothy became left her?

(see the answer keys)

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