The Astonishing Color of After Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Emily X. R. Pan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Astonishing Color of After Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Emily X. R. Pan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 37 - 65.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does Waipo note “have been particularly good this season” (51)?
(a) Sugar-apples.
(b) Honeycrisp apples.
(c) Crab-apples.
(d) Pineapples.

2. Which of the following does Leigh find in the old cardboard boxes through which she searches?
(a) Computer peripherals.
(b) Military hardware.
(c) Computer software.
(d) Computer hardware.

3. Which of the following does Leigh find in the old cardboard boxes through which she searches?
(a) Old postcards.
(b) New postage stamps.
(c) New postcards.
(d) Old postage stamps.

4. Which of the following does Leigh burn along with the strange incense?
(a) A drawing for her beloved.
(b) A drawing for her father.
(c) A drawing for her friend.
(d) A drawing for her mother.

5. On which of the following floors do Leigh’s grandparents live?
(a) First.
(b) Second.
(c) Fourth.
(d) Third.

Short Answer Questions

1. With which of the following colors does Leigh associate the smell of the hospital waiting room?

2. To which of the following is the novel dedicated?

3. Which of the following does Brian report is short-hand for a convenience store in Taipei?

4. To which of the following does Leigh presume Brian compares her artwork?

5. Which of the following is the name of Leigh’s practitioner?

(see the answer key)

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