The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Finkel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Finkel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who paid Breitwieser and Kleinklaus's bail after they were arrested in Lucerne for taking a painting?

2. Where was Breitwieser taken after he left the Lucerne prison in 2002?

3. When was Breitwieser's mother arrested and subjected to a police interrogation by French investigators in Chapter 31?

4. In Chapter 21, what did Breitwieser and Kleinklaus take on their second visit to the Art & History Museum?

5. When Breitwieser wrote Kleinklaus in October 2005, how many days did he have to serve in jail for breaking probation?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Breitwieser's punishment for his crimes in Switzerland?

2. How was Breitwieser caught for the bugle theft?

3. What arguments did Breitwieser's attorney give at Breitwieser's Swiss trial?

4. What did Kleinklaus's lawyer argue, and what punishment did Kleinklaus receive?

5. In the eyes of the law, what was the significance of how a thief stole and how did that affect the judge's maximum fine for Breitwieser in Switzerland?

6. What did Breitwieser learn when he worked at the big-box hardware store chain Lapeyre, and how did it help him at the Art & History Museum in Brussels?

7. Why did Bernard Darties of the French art police not believed that Kleinklaus was a pawn in Breitwieser's thievery?

8. What testimony did Breitwieser's father provide at Breitwieser's Swiss trial?

9. In Chapter 26, where was Breitweiser arrested?

10. A week after Breitwieser's arrest at the Wagner Museum, where were some of the stolen items found?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Breitwieser said that "the story of art [was] a story of stealing" (66). Why did Breitwieser believe everyone in the art world was a thief in some way? How did Breitwieser believe the story of art was the story of stealing and how did this belief help him excuse his thefts?

Essay Topic 2

Breitwieser claimed that "art [was his] drug” (40). Why did Breitwieser claim that art was his drug?

Essay Topic 3

Werner Muensterberger wrote a textbook about impulsive collectors. He wrote that unhealthy collection took over a person's life. What did Muensterberger believe it meant to be a collector? Did Breitwieser seem to have a collecting addiction?

(see the answer keys)

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