The Art of Racing in the Rain Test | Final Test - Hard

Garth Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Art of Racing in the Rain Test | Final Test - Hard

Garth Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Denny tell Zoë that he will be racing for a few months in Chapter 38?

2. What month is it in Chapter 40?

3. How much money does Denny give the vet in cash before leaving with Enzo in Chapter 48?

4. What martial arts star does Enzo know is buried at the cemetery he goes to with Denny in Chapter 36?

5. Enzo assures the reader that he has watched enough of what television show to be fairly conversant in legal matters in Chapter 32?

Short Essay Questions

1. What can be seen about the motivations of Maxwell, Trish and Denny in Chapters 32 and 33?

2. How does Enzo relate to Denny's time in jail in Chapter 34?

3. What happens when Denny goes to sign the custody papers in Chapter 48? What does Enzo do and why?

4. How do Enzo's health problems progress in Chapter 51? How does he feel about his situation?

5. In what ways does the plot progress in Chapter 29? What actions and motivations are revealed in this chapter?

6. How is the character of Mrs. Swift further developed through Denny's discussion in Chapter 55?

7. How old is Enzo in Chapter 37? In what ways are his age starting to be felt?

8. What does Enzo's car accident foreshadow in Chapter 46?

9. What does Denny's lawyer try to convince him to do in Chapter 43? How is the case against Denny building?

10. How are Maxwell and Trish established as the antagonists of the novel in Chapter 44?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe and discuss the characters of Eve's relatives and Annika in the novel. How does Annika relate to Eve? What elements of foreshadowing are illustrated in Annika's character in Chapters 24 and 25? In what ways does the tension increase in these chapters? How does the author employ irony?

Essay Topic 2

Define, identify and discuss obstacle and conflict in narrative literature and "The Art of Racing in the Rain". What obstacles does Denny face in his court trial against Trish and Maxwell? What internal conflicts does Enzo face in the narrative? What internal conflicts does Denny face?

Essay Topic 3

Describe, analyze and discuss the characters of Mr. and Mrs. Swift in the novel. What is their interaction with Denny in Chapters 52 and 53? What redeeming qualities do the Swifts exhibit? How do they differ from Trish and Maxwell?

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