The Art of Racing in the Rain Test | Final Test - Medium

Garth Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Art of Racing in the Rain Test | Final Test - Medium

Garth Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 54, the narrator says that above all, it is most important that a driver do what?
(a) Drive faster than everyone else.
(b) Finish each race.
(c) Avoid a collision.
(d) Drive into the light.

2. What causes Enzo's revengeful diarrhea in Chapter 39?
(a) Pickles.
(b) Hamburgers.
(c) Canned dog food.
(d) Hot peppers.

3. When did Ferrari move into production of street-legal vehicles?
(a) 1939.
(b) 1947.
(c) 1959.
(d) 1964.

4. What does Denny do in order to pay his debt to Mark Fein in Chapter 44?
(a) Sells his stocks.
(b) Sells his house.
(c) Sells his life insurance.
(d) Borrows money from a bank.

5. How much money does Denny give the vet in cash before leaving with Enzo in Chapter 48?
(a) $280.
(b) $520.
(c) $600.
(d) $350.

Short Answer Questions

1. Denny claims in Chapter 55 that his parents agreed to help him keep Zoë if what?

2. What important man in the Ferrari organization comes to speak specifically to Denny in Chapter 50?

3. What is the site of a well-known motor sports complex in Germany famous for its long, windy Northern Loop?

4. What does Enzo do with the custody papers in Chapter 49?

5. What martial arts star does Enzo know is buried at the cemetery he goes to with Denny in Chapter 36?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the meaning of Enzo's metaphor to race car driving in Chapter 30?

2. What does Denny discover about Zoë in Chapter 42? What leads to this discovery?

3. Where do Denny and Enzo begin walking in Chapter 36? How does Enzo describe the walk?

4. What does Denny's lawyer try to convince him to do in Chapter 43? How is the case against Denny building?

5. How does Enzo relate to Denny's time in jail in Chapter 34?

6. How is the character of Mrs. Swift further developed through Denny's discussion in Chapter 55?

7. What does Denny tell Zoë when he is banned from seeing her in Chapter 38? In what ways do they communicate during this time?

8. What does Enzo learn of Zoë's emotions and desires in Chapter 39?

9. What happens when Denny goes to sign the custody papers in Chapter 48? What does Enzo do and why?

10. What does Enzo encounter when he is returned to Denny in Chapter 35? What do they do together?

(see the answer keys)

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