The Art of Racing in the Rain Test | Final Test - Easy

Garth Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Art of Racing in the Rain Test | Final Test - Easy

Garth Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Enzo in Chapter 30, Denny thinks how many moves ahead of his rivals?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 10.

2. In Chapter 38, Mark Fein panics when Zoë asks to see whom?
(a) Denny.
(b) Enzo.
(c) Eve.
(d) Annika.

3. In Chapter 50, Denny politely declines a lucrative job offer with Ferrari for the time being, citing what as the reason for turning down the offer?
(a) He's moving to Canada.
(b) He's not interested.
(c) He's on trial for murder.
(d) Legal problems.

4. Denny explains to whom the consequences of her filing charges and how he may lose his daughter altogether in Chapter 51?
(a) Trish.
(b) Eve.
(c) Zoë.
(d) Annika.

5. What causes Enzo's revengeful diarrhea in Chapter 39?
(a) Hamburgers.
(b) Hot peppers.
(c) Canned dog food.
(d) Pickles.

6. Mark Fein stops serving as Denny's lawyer in Chapter 45 because he is what?
(a) About to retire.
(b) Indicted on fraud charges.
(c) Sent to prison.
(d) Appointed a judge.

7. What is the name of both a county and a city in northern California in the western United States?
(a) St. Edwards.
(b) Sonoma.
(c) Richmond.
(d) Martha's Vineyard.

8. Mark Fein gives Denny how long to settle his account in Chapter 43?
(a) 2 months.
(b) 1 week.
(c) 2 weeks.
(d) 30 days.

9. In Chapter 54, the narrator says that above all, it is most important that a driver do what?
(a) Drive into the light.
(b) Finish each race.
(c) Drive faster than everyone else.
(d) Avoid a collision.

10. In Chapter 34, wonders if Denny realizes that being locked in this small room is a lot like what?
(a) Being unborn.
(b) Being a dog.
(c) Being a child.
(d) Being in prison.

11. What important man in the Ferrari organization comes to speak specifically to Denny in Chapter 50?
(a) Luca Pantoni.
(b) Luigi Chinetti.
(c) Enzo Ferrari.
(d) Ayrton Senna.

12. Trish and Maxwell are suing Denny for what in Chapter 29?
(a) Endangering Eve.
(b) The death of Eve.
(c) Sole custody of Zoë.
(d) Child support.

13. How much money does Denny give the vet in cash before leaving with Enzo in Chapter 48?
(a) $520.
(b) $600.
(c) $350.
(d) $280.

14. In Chapter 29, who ends up playing fetch with Enzo?
(a) Zoë.
(b) Maxwell.
(c) Trish.
(d) Annika.

15. Where is the Ferrari company based?
(a) Rome, Italy.
(b) Venice, Italy.
(c) Maranello, Italy.
(d) Paris, France.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Enzo in Chapter 37?

2. Denny's lawyer tells him that it will cost Denny how much to resolve the custody case in court in Chapter 31?

3. What is the site of a well-known motor sports complex in Germany famous for its long, windy Northern Loop?

4. Zoë talks to Enzo about escaping where to find her father in Chapter 38?

5. Denny's father gives Denny what in Chapter 53?

(see the answer keys)

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