The Art of Dramatic Writing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Lajos Egri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Art of Dramatic Writing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Lajos Egri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book III: Conflict, Chapters 3 - 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom do Juliet's parents try to get her to marry in "Romeo and Juliet"?
(a) Count Bordeaux.
(b) Count Paris.
(c) Count Marseille.
(d) Count Toulouse.

2. When the character neither has a strong will nor knows what he wants, what kind of conflict arises?
(a) Stale.
(b) Stagnant.
(c) Fermented.
(d) Static.

3. What French writer and critic born in 1849 said every play needs a goal?
(a) Ferdinand Brunetière.
(b) Pierre de Ronsard.
(c) Jean Giraudoux.
(d) Jean Michel Jarre.

4. Why can't the man in the scenario created by the author in Book II, Character, Chapter 11: Unity of Opposites take the dog home?
(a) His wife hates stray animals.
(b) He thinks it will bite him.
(c) He owns several cats.
(d) He is allergic to dogs.

5. Who suffers from inherited syphilis in the play "Ghosts"?
(a) Regina.
(b) Jacob.
(c) Oswald.
(d) Helene.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the author, when a writer has pivotal characters and antagonists, he must make certain they are ____.

2. The author asserts by example that what act more as a unit than humans?

3. Where does the man in the author's short skit in Book III: Conflict, Chapter 2: Cause and Effect invite a girl?

4. What does the author claim causes motion in Book II: Character, Chapter 3: The Dialectical Approach?

5. When was "Oedipus Rex" first performed?

(see the answer key)

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