The Art of Dramatic Writing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Lajos Egri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Art of Dramatic Writing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Lajos Egri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book II: Character, Chapters 10 - 11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who kills Macbeth at the end of "The Tragedy of Macbeth"?
(a) Siward.
(b) Fleance.
(c) Malcolm.
(d) Macduff.

2. What must every planned sprint have, according to the author in Book I: The Premise?
(a) A starting gun.
(b) A start line.
(c) Resting points.
(d) A destination.

3. Who advises Juliet to take a strong sleeping draught on the eve of her wedding in "Romeo and Juliet"?
(a) Count La Rochelle.
(b) Count Le Mans.
(c) Friar Laurence.
(d) Friar Lille.

4. The author undoubtedly wants his characters to be the play in order to express _____.
(a) The suspense.
(b) The plot.
(c) The ending.
(d) The premise.

5. What was the original title of "The Art of Dramatic Writing"?
(a) "The Stage".
(b) "Acting In the Modern World".
(c) "A Playwright's Dream".
(d) "How to Write a Play".

Short Answer Questions

1. Lajos Egri asserts that growth is a real character's reaction to his _____.

2. Who wrote the play "A Doll's House"?

3. According to the author, when a writer has pivotal characters and antagonists, he must make certain they are ____.

4. Where was Lajos Egri born?

5. In Book II: Character, Chapter 3: The Dialectical Approach, the author exemplifies his approach by creating a female character who turns to _____.

(see the answer key)

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