The Art of Dramatic Writing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Lajos Egri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Art of Dramatic Writing Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Lajos Egri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book II: Character, Chapters 4 - 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What American writer wrote "The root-idea is the beginning of the process"?
(a) Langston Hughes.
(b) F. Scott Fitzgerald.
(c) John Howard Lawson.
(d) John Steinbeck.

2. What French writer and critic born in 1849 said every play needs a goal?
(a) Jean Michel Jarre.
(b) Ferdinand Brunetière.
(c) Jean Giraudoux.
(d) Pierre de Ronsard.

3. The antagonist in a play or work of literature faces off against _____.
(a) The pivotal character.
(b) The narrator.
(c) The presentation.
(d) The forces of good.

4. What refers to a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader?
(a) Manifesto.
(b) Poem.
(c) Story.
(d) Script.

5. Lajos Egri asserts that growth is a real character's reaction to his _____.
(a) Conflict.
(b) Luck.
(c) Accomplishments.
(d) Environment.

Short Answer Questions

1. What must every planned sprint have, according to the author in Book I: The Premise?

2. Who is the father of Oedipus?

3. Who is Romeo's cousin in "Romeo and Juliet"?

4. What is needed to make life keep constantly going, according to the author in Book II: Character, Chapter 3: The Dialectical Approach?

5. What term refers to a lack of conflict in a scene or play?

(see the answer key)

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