The Arrest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Arrest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Journeyman ask the woman in the library to do in Chapter 41?
(a) Come to see Todbaum with him.
(b) Go swimming.
(c) Come to dinner.
(d) Go for a walk.

2. What is one rumor about the Cordon in Chapter 52?
(a) That it had a lot of fireballs to work with.
(b) That it was planning a sort of surgical strike action against Tinderwick.
(c) That the people were moving away for good.
(d) That it had guns that worked.

3. What does Kormentz believe the townspeople of Tinderwick have done to him?
(a) Sacrificed him to the Cordon.
(b) Promoted him to judge.
(c) Forgiven him for his crimes.
(d) Told Todbaum he can kill Kormentz.

4. What does Kormentz say is Journeyman's principal failing?
(a) How much he eats.
(b) How little he grasps the worth of ritual action.
(c) That he still thinks of himself as a writer.
(d) That he still maintains hope of the world going back to the way it was before The Arrest.

5. How does Journeyman feel at seeing all the activity on Quarry Island in Chapter 49?
(a) Motivated.
(b) Happy.
(c) Angry.
(d) Left out.

6. How does Quentin Maslow come to live in Tinderwick?
(a) It was where he visited his adult children in the winter.
(b) He was a houseguest there when The Arrest happened.
(c) It was always his family home.
(d) It was where his late wife was from.

7. What had Edwin Gorse done for a living before The Arrest?
(a) Been a high-powered lawyer.
(b) Been a real estate agent.
(c) Been a surgeon.
(d) Invented a profitable pharmaceutical.

8. In Chapter 36, what has Kormentz insisted on doing when Journeyman comes with deliveries?
(a) Asking him to ask Maddy to let him back into the community.
(b) Asking Journeyman to get him fancy pens and paper.
(c) Giving him homemade furniture.
(d) Reading to Journeyman aloud from his pillow book.

9. Who lives alone in the Grange?
(a) Quentin Maslow.
(b) Edwin Gorse.
(c) Theodore Nowlin.
(d) Herbert Walker.

10. What does Todbaum tell the assembled crowd he was mad at the woman who rode in the Blue Streak for a time with him about?
(a) She drank all his coffee.
(b) She tried to shoot him once.
(c) She bargained away all their fuel in a card game.
(d) She never would have sex with him.

11. What does the woman in the library ask Journeyman for in Chapter 42?
(a) Cheese.
(b) A new book.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) A story.

12. What does Maddy try to do when she visits the Blue Streak?
(a) Disable the Blue Streak.
(b) Sing to Todbaum.
(c) Open Todbaum's hatch with tools.
(d) Plant a bomb on The Blue Streak.

13. What does Kormentz give Journeyman in Chapter 50?
(a) His good knives.
(b) His money.
(c) His Pillow Book.
(d) His saxophone.

14. What story seems to drive the most people away from Todbaum?
(a) His story about The Road.
(b) His story about Kansas.
(c) His story about Times Square.
(d) His story about Pittsburgh.

15. Who is the woman Todbaum tells the assembled crowd used to ride with him in the Blue Streak for a while in Chapter 46?
(a) Pittsburgh.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Sally.
(d) Jennifer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who offers to take Delia Limetree's son under his or her wing in Chapter 37?

2. What does Maddy tell Journeyman that the Blue Streak is probably safer than?

3. What does Todbaum ask Journeyman to give Maddy in Chapter 33?

4. Who is one of Todbaum's most loyal listeners?

5. What does Journeyman consider the Blue Streak and Todbaum's appearance could possibly be a harbinger of?

(see the answer keys)

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