The Arrest Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Arrest Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part I (Pages 1 - 61).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Todbaum tell Journeyman he started his trip from?
(a) Malibu.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) New York.

2. What does Todbaum tell Journeyman is the source of his vessel's power?
(a) Batteries.
(b) Rocket fuel.
(c) Electricity.
(d) A nuclear reactor.

3. What state does Journeyman live in?
(a) Maine.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) Georgia.
(d) Pennsylvania.

4. What does Journeyman find himself doing to reconcile the fact of people's aging?
(a) Time averaging.
(b) Using photoshop to make people look younger on websites.
(c) Forgetting how old people are.
(d) Not using a calendar any longer.

5. What was Kormentz's crime?
(a) He is an arsonist.
(b) He molested young girls.
(c) He stole from the bank.
(d) He committed insurance fraud.

Short Answer Questions

1. What eventually happens with Todbaum's career?

2. What is the major life-changing event that alters the world in this novel?

3. In Chapter 6, who does the Cordon tell Journeyman has come asking for him?

4. Which area is responsible for the peninsula's defenses against would-be invaders and marauders?

5. What movies does Journeyman see in Chapter 7?

(see the answer key)

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