The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece Short Answer Test - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece Short Answer Test - Answer Key

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece Lesson Plans

1. Whose "famous deeds" is the narrator speaking of in the opening of Book I?

Men of old.

2. According to the oracle, what would the man who is going to kill Pelias be wearing?

One shoe.

3. When Jason arrives at Anaurus, to whom the banquet was in honor of?


4. Which goddess does Pelias ignore during the feast?


5. Which goddess helped Jason to get the Argos?


6. When singing of the lineage of heroes, who does the narrator state inspires his song?

The Muses.

7. Who does Orpheus marry?


8. What kind of trees grow at Zone on the Thracian shore?


9. Who is the father of Polyphemus?


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