The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Argonautika: The Story of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book One: Preparation and Departure.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who cuts the neck of the ox to prepare it for sacrifice before the Argo leaves Hellas?
(a) Tiphys.
(b) Ankaios.
(c) Idas.
(d) Pagasai.

2. How many bulls does Jason promise to sacrifice upon a safe return to Hellas?
(a) Equal to the number of men that return.
(b) Equal to the number of men who go on the voyage.
(c) Equal to the number of men who die during the voyage.
(d) 1,000.

3. Who is given the honor of sitting in the middle benches?
(a) Hercales.
(b) Argos.
(c) Jason.
(d) Leto.

4. Whose "fate" do the men, of the Argo, grieve about (prior to their leaving Hellas)?
(a) Pytho.
(b) Idmon.
(c) Ankaios.
(d) Hercales.

5. According to the oracle, what would the man who is going to kill Pelias be wearing?
(a) A crown of olive leaves.
(b) A vest of gold.
(c) A blood-stained robe.
(d) One shoe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Iphias kiss as Jason leaves for his journey?

2. When the heroes are to arrive at Aietes palace, what does the narrator say they will do if Pelias does not give them the fleece?

3. Who is Jason's mother?

4. Who was the first person to address the crew of the Argo before it set sail?

5. Who hits the ox on the head to prepare it for sacrifice before the Argo leaves Hellas?

(see the answer key)

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