The Ardent Swarm Test | Final Test - Medium

Yamen Manai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ardent Swarm Test | Final Test - Medium

Yamen Manai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the prince give Sidi in Chapter 13?
(a) Silver coins.
(b) Green bills.
(c) Gold coins.
(d) A handful of bronze coins.

2. Who has seen the hornets before in Chapter 18?
(a) Toumi.
(b) Louz.
(c) Douda.
(d) Baya.

3. What does the queen use to make the next of the giant Asian hornet?
(a) Leaves.
(b) Plant stems.
(c) Tree bark.
(d) Dirt.

4. How large is the nest of the giant Asian hornet?
(a) Football.
(b) Soccer ball.
(c) Basketball.
(d) Volleyball.

5. In Chapter 14, what excuse did Sidi make to leave Arabia?
(a) Death of his father.
(b) Death in the family.
(c) Death of his mother.
(d) An illness.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 12, where did a devil once defeat Sidi?

2. How long will the water that Sidi has in Chapter 16 last?

3. What does Baya plan to do to support her family in Chapter 11?

4. How long is the stinger of the giant Asian hornet?

5. How far did Jannet have to walk across the steppe to attend school?

Short Essay Questions

1. What can Jannet and Tahar see from their airplane window when they land in Tokyo?

2. Who is imam that Douda and Toumi listen to in Chapter 10?

3. How are the Japanese queens prepared to travel with Jannet and Tahar?

4. Who has seen the hornet before that Sidi captures?

5. In "Bureaucracy" how has the capital changed since Sidi last visited?

6. Who does Tahar know in Japan that he asks for help with the hornets?

7. What problem does Douda have in Chapter 15?

8. Who is Tahar, and what does he say after he hears Sidi's story?

9. How does Sidi instruct the Nawis so they can care for his bees when he is gone?

10. Why did the country of Arabia not prosper after oil was found in the 1930s?

(see the answer keys)

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