The Anubis Gates Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anubis Gates Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Doyle and Romany emerge from the time gate in 1684, where do they land?
(a) London Bridge.
(b) Table.
(c) Rooftop.
(d) Wheeled boat.

2. What happens to the gypsy camp after Doyle invades it?
(a) Catches fire.
(b) Gypsies pack it up.
(c) Surrounded by police.
(d) Disappears in a time gap.

3. What does Dog Face Joe claim happened to Doyle?
(a) Marooned in 1684.
(b) Shot.
(c) Poisoned.
(d) Drowned.

4. What happens to the yags when Doyle jumps into a tree?
(a) They can't see him.
(b) They become frightened.
(c) They laugh.
(d) They briefly extinguish.

5. What does Jacky hear as she is fighting with Darrow?
(a) Gun shot.
(b) Laughter.
(c) Stilts on cobblestones.
(d) Breaking window.

6. Doyle tries to rescue _______ from the gypsies.
(a) Lord Byron.
(b) Dog Face Joe.
(c) Jacky.
(d) Mr. Moss.

7. Who is Dog Face Joe looking for at the Depilatory Parlor?
(a) Fikee.
(b) Jacky.
(c) Doyle.
(d) Darrow.

8. What does Doyle make while imprisoned in a boat?
(a) Book of poetry.
(b) Antidote for Dog Face Joe.
(c) Wooden dagger.
(d) Beer cup.

9. Where are the members of the Antaeus Brotherhood afraid to follow Romany?
(a) Rooftops.
(b) The inn.
(c) Time gate.
(d) Ice.

10. What part of Romany do the yags see?
(a) Shoes.
(b) Robe.
(c) Eye.
(d) Hand.

11. What does the Master order Romanelli to do with Doyle?
(a) Follow him.
(b) Teach him sorcery.
(c) Make a ka.
(d) Kill him.

12. What is the purpose of the Antaeus Brotherhood?
(a) Curfew Enforcers.
(b) Monmouth's secret task force.
(c) Anti magic police force.
(d) Auditors of taxable wares.

13. A procession of _________ is crowding the Egyptian street.
(a) Mameluke Beys.
(b) Pashaliks.
(c) British elfendis.
(d) Yags.

14. How is Romany injured in 1684?
(a) Rebounding magic.
(b) Stabbed with a soot stained sword.
(c) Shot with a muddy bullet.
(d) Caught in the burning building.

15. What does Romany use to communicate with the Master and with Romanelli?
(a) Candle.
(b) Paut.
(c) Small Anubis Statue.
(d) Sextant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Doyle see the Master sitting on when they first meet in the Master's dome?

2. What condition does the Lord Byron ka find Doyle in after Doyle reappears in 1810?

3. What does Romany need to put at a perfect angle to jump through time?

4. Who does Darrow see in his nightmares?

5. What happens to Romanelli's candle when he tries to contact Romany?

(see the answer keys)

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