The Anti-Federalist Papers; and, the Constitutional Convention Debates Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anti-Federalist Papers; and, the Constitutional Convention Debates Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did "Centinel" argue on the danger of checks and balances?
(a) He argued that checks and balances would obscure corruption and tyranny.
(b) He argued that checks and balances would create an endless torrent of inter-branch lawsuits.
(c) He argued that checks and balances would make the government slow to respond to military threats.
(d) He argued that checks and balances would paralyze the government.

2. What did Madison advocate concerning the election or appointment of the executive?
(a) Appointment by the Supreme Court would be best.
(b) Election by Congress would hurt the public interest.
(c) Election by the people would hurt the public interest.
(d) Appointment by an electoral college would be best.

3. What did Mr. Williamson advocate for the term length on the election or appointment of the executive?
(a) Four year terms for the executive, with a chance of reelection.
(b) Seven year terms for the executive, with a chance of reelection
(c) Seven year terms for the executive, without reelection.
(d) Lifetime appointments for the executive.

4. What did the draft of the Constitution contain concerning slavery?
(a) The draft prevented a tax or prohibition on slavery.
(b) The draft outlawed the importation of slaves.
(c) The draft did not mention slavery explicitly.
(d) The draft outlawed the domestic slave trade.

5. What argument did James Madison make concerning the fear of a centralized government?
(a) He said that factions would check each other.
(b) He said that the standing army would only be used outside the borders.
(c) He said that taxation would be smaller under a central government.
(d) He said that there would be less regulation of business and commerce by a central government.

6. What method of ratification did Oliver Ellsworth advocate?
(a) Ratification national referendum.
(b) Ratification by straw poll.
(c) Ratification by special conventions in each state.
(d) Ratification by state legislature.

7. What did Massachusetts propose in its ratification process?
(a) Restrictions on the standing army.
(b) Restrictions on alcohol sales.
(c) Restrictions on taxation power.
(d) Freedom of speech.

8. What was Mr. Mason's fear regarding the House of Representatives?
(a) He feared that it was not truly representative.
(b) He feared that it would be run by illiterate farmers.
(c) He feared that it would not be able to compete with the Senate.
(d) He feared that it did not have enough power to combat the executive.

9. What does James Madison argue on the question of suffrage?
(a) He thought that universal suffrage should triumph.
(b) He thought that suffrage restrictions were regrettable but necessary.
(c) He thought that universal suffrage would ruin the government.
(d) He thought that suffrage restrictions were a step toward monarchy.

10. What did Mr. Pinckney think about slavery?
(a) That it was morally legitimate.
(b) That it was reprehensible.
(c) That it was the rock on which the nation could founder.
(d) That it was a practical matter of power.

11. How did Benjamin Franklin interpret the symbol on the President's chair?
(a) He saw it as a tree withstanding the storms.
(b) He saw it as a sun rising over the republic.
(c) He saw it as a symbol of commerce.
(d) He saw it as a predator subduing its enemies.

12. What did Benjamin Franklin say about supporters of the residency requirement for citizenship?
(a) He said that delegates were opening the floodgates to a tide of poor workers by opening restrictions on immigration.
(b) He said that delegates were understating the ease with which people assimilate into American culture.
(c) He said that delegates were cutting off sources of new talent by limiting immigration.
(d) He said that delegates were exaggerating the threat of European immigration.

13. What did "Brutus" say was the danger of a standing army?
(a) It turned countries toward tyranny.
(b) It did not answer to the legislature.
(c) It created loyalty only to itself.
(d) It consumed necessary resources.

14. What was James Wilson calling for in his speech to the Pennsylvania legislature?
(a) Ratification of the Constitution.
(b) Revision of the Constitution.
(c) States rights.
(d) Judiciary oversight of the executive.

15. Who was the "Federal Farmer"?
(a) James Madison.
(b) Melancton Smith.
(c) Mr. Mason.
(d) Horace DeWitt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What symbol did Benjamin Franklin remark on, on the President's chair?

2. Which delegate expressed his regrets about not signing the Constitution?

3. What is the current residency requirement for citizenship?

4. What did "Federal Farmer" say the framers of the Constitution ultimately wanted?

5. What compromise did the Northeast states reach with Georgia and South Carolina over slavery?

(see the answer keys)

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